I hate people who are better than me at this game

I liked it when i was a stupid mindless kid

Would be higher if i was in it

This game is awesome! I wish my disease boner cough could kill all

The games i used to play when i was still happy

Started that level with the motorbike and died instantly after the level start screen appear and i havent fucking touched it since

Its so fucking close to being perfect if they changed act 3's pacing and had way better audio mixing for the english cast it would be a masterpiece

This game is so fucking stupid I have over 600 hours in it

Final boss so bad i watched the ending cutscene on youtube

I'll be ready to join the persona community once they stop believing this game has the best cast

Amongus but with losers who give too much of a shit about a mafia clone

Cool game with decently executed ideas, just an underwhelming story. Definitely a gem in terms of gameplay

Not the worst beat em up ive played