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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 19, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Every couple of years I see this game in my library and feel compelled to give it another try. This is one of the first games I had in my Steam library, and it never fails to disappoint me every time I play it.

I think this is one of those things where the idea for the game sounds good until you think about what it would actually be like to play it. There are a lot of falling block puzzle games, why not twist that and make it so that you're not controlling the blocks by dropping them, but instead by managing them from inside the field, jumping and dodging them while trying to arrange fallen blocks? The truth is that trying to create combos in a falling blocks game isn't very fun when the only means you have to do it with is a gun that only shoots horizontally. Waiting for the game to eventually create a large enough cluster of blocks to then slowly shoot it in order to get the points for it is simply not fun, it's like someone's playing a really fun game and you're just kind of witnessing that person have fun instead of you. Cool music though.