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Content Warning is the first direct competitor to it's cousin; Lethal Company; making both of them heavy to comparison. despite this; Content Warning has a very different feel from Lethal Company.
hanging out with friends, cracking jokes, and trying to get footage, makes it much more of a comedy than it's older cousin. rather than the comedy being directly at the player's expense, it comes from your friends and co-players.
the basic gameplay loop of trying to get footage, and than escape, is very fun, but the experience around that can be iffy. the quota takes obvious inspiration from Lethal Company, but doesn't really add anything that the quota in that game does. rather than being a fun goal to try to beat, it becomes a bother; an aspect we find ourselves ignoring to focus on the much more fun aspects of the game.
also, this is yet another case of a 4 player co-op game that refuses to take notes from L4D. no compensation for single player, and no compensation for having more than 4 players.

over all i give Content Warning a 4/5
this is a very fun gameplay loop, but underdeveloped, and not as fleshed out as i'd want it to be.