27 reviews liked by BarrettSword

Despite tripping at the starting line with a free-to-play live service multiplayer that lacked any regular support for over a year, the potential for Halo Infinite to be something great could be seen from day one. Offering a campaign that attempted to reclaim the magic of Halo and a multiplayer unapologetically in line with what the franchise has offered at its best, Infinite will only continue to get better and better with every update it launches.

VERY fun with friends, though not something I'd play on my own

IDK I got bored half way through the campaign i dindn't really like it that much

God this game is so fucking boring. I played like 10 hours and they all sucked

Game is quite pretty tho

Excellent remaster. It still carries the flaws of the original game, but at the same time retains how memorable it is. Halo 2 is my least favorite Halo game, but one I really enjoy

343 has finally delivered a campaign truly worthy of John-117. Infinite's campaign has a gripping story that expands the Halo lore, wraps up what needed wrapping up, and asks intriguing questions, lays out intriguing new mysteries, for the Chief to solve. Great open world gameplay that is terribly fun to traverse. The environment variety is a bit limited, but it's hard to be upset about it when the environments are so beautifully crafted and filled with such interesting and engaging enemy encounters.

Now just patch up the multiplayer's issues and we'll be all set.

Very cute and funny game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh. My god. Where do I even begin. This is literally my favorite game ever. The graphics are super good, the story is amazing, and somehow the collectables are not even 1% tedious at any given point in the entire main game. I love the characters, the gameplay, the open worlds, the scenarios, dialogue, and the MUSIC man. Easily the single best soundtrack I've ever heard in any game so far. Easiest five stars of my life.