it's midnight, the fireworks going off in the background, i'm well rested, and ready to mess some shit up.
with bombs, guns, and my trusty sledge hammer, i turn a that small food court into a small crator.

how ever, when the time's up, the game says that i've only made 45% of how much i was supposed to destroy.

this is this game's biggest flaw that holds down it's amazing premise: weird, specific, and annoying tasks. this game is at it's best when it lets you relax, and hammer through objectives at your own pace; solving small problems and feeling like a badass while doing it.
but with time limits and quotas, the game becomes more and more upsetting.

3/5 - a fantastic engine and set up, with annoying objectives bogging it down.

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Indigo Park is uninspired, and so bad, the the true horror is trying not to think about it.
walking into areas that make no sense; clearly designed just for me to be there.
the gameplay is a walking simulator. this would work if the story and atmosphere had legs to walk on, but it doesn't. the raccoon mascot is memorable, just for how annoying and unfunny he is. the other characters are boring. the final chase is also immensely boring, before being ended by an immensely jarring, disgusting, gory display, of a cartoon character's head being cut off, and their blood going everywhere as their head lifelessly topples to the ground.

mascot horror had a strong beginning with Five Nights At Freddy's, but more and more mascot horrors are becoming displays of shitty writing, boring gameplay, and lousy worlds. Indigo Park is the pinnacle of shitty trend following.

gameplay gets a 1
story gets a 1.