The story isn't as good as 3's and 4's, but it's still up there. Tbh, you can play this with your eyes closed due to how easy it is, even on the highest difficulty. Also, holy shit, the last palace is like a different villain in the series.

"How many times have you died to Sans?"
"How many breads have you eaten in your lifetime?"

Idk how TC made a bug game thia depressing, but i'm all for it. Never thought i'd feel so bad for a bug with an infection, not that i'd see it weild a nail as a fucking sword, but this shit is amazing. All hail ZoteBoat.

Dropped it at first, i thought it was boring. However, 1 year and a whole life arc later, i picked it up again with a different mindset. And holy shit, this is THE peak. Ryukkishi really took Higurashi, added magic bullshit with sprinkles of fetish fuel, and somehow made it a fucking masterpiece. It's a must-read if you've got time.

For the ones that say FES/portable is better, take your pills. If anything, this is the best way to end off the whole p3 ordeal, cuz i don't see it needing a rework any sooner than 50 years. Fucking peak.