Just...beautiful, in it's own weird way. Amazing story, eargasm-inducing soundtrack, and don't even get me started on the art and voices. Maybe i'm glazing a little too much, but i don't care. This is just straight peak.

Unbelievably peak. The peakest peak there is to peak. One may even call it....Funky.

Finally, a game for the knaifu waifu. Tbh, one of the best fan games of the series. Also, fuck you Remi.

Big words don't fit in your mouth

Holy shit, she just like me fr fr

"Breaking News: Intergalactic killer dildos with spiky tails are running rampage on a satellite. Connection may be shitty until the issue is solved."

Undisputed best version of p3 before Reload was a thing. But anyway, same thing i said for reload, peak story, peak characters, just worse graphics and gameplay

Ori: "Yo, can i copy your homework?"
Hollow Knight: "Sure, but don't make it obvious you copied."

Imagine making a whole series of triple A games with the story of a guy who annihilates Hell itself cuz his bunny died, only for an indie, low-res game about a go-pro with guns to do it better. Not giving any names, cuz the Doom tiprides would get angry. Anyway, definition of peak.

Story carries the shitty combat system. Also the answer isn't all that, it's just...meh. They could've done better.

"Man, i wish there was a game where i play with a guy who's more dense than a black hole, in which i join a literature club full of girls who definitely don't off one another!"
Dan Salvato's honest reaction:

A rework of this would be fucking incredible. Right now, the bosses are just damage sponges and not all that interesting, but the story and characters carry with ease. If Persona 4 Rewind becomes a thing, P5R will look like a joke.

Please, for the love of god, make Lady a real thing. But yeah, the game's pretty good, i guess...