Stuff I played in 2022 (that I can remember)

I haven't really been keeping track of all this so there's probably stuff I'm forgetting

One of the games I downloaded on my modded 3DS since I missed the deadline to add new funds to the eshop. It's a great remake of the original with the one caveat being that aiming the poltergust up and down feels kinda weird
Played on my modded 3DS. A great sequel to the original game with a cool new mechanic, disappointed that the finished models don't have fun little animations anymore though
The final part of my Kingdom Hearts journey until 4 comes out. A very fun and interesting rhythm game with a decent song selection, a lot of glaring omissions though
I don't wanna talk about this one. It's good. The characters are good. The music's good. I played some of it. I'm not playing anymore. Next game
I don't wanna talk about this one either.
Played this in one sitting late one night. It's a very enjoyable game but it kinda felt a little too...linear, I guess? At least during my initial playthrough
Bought and played this after watching a video on the history of the Mr. Driller series. It's pretty fun. Don't have much more to say about it than that.
I technically haven't "beaten" this game; I cleared every level in the first game except the bonus level and I started the second game but kinda stopped playing pretty early on. I like the atmosphere in this game but something about the gameplay didn't really click with me. I think it's the Wind Bullet. Even with Easy Mode enabled the Wind Bullet just feels weird as an attack. It doesn't even feel right calling it a "bullet" considering it doesn't really behave like a projectile. I can see why other people like these games but I dunno if it's for me. Maybe I'll come back to it one day
Played this after finishing TWEWY. It made my arm hurt


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