a short but sweet experience, getting all the secrets was actually very fulfilling.

As a long time fan of the series, this game was so dissapointing on launch, and continues being dissapointing to this day. Create-A-Sim and Build/Buy mode are the best they've ever been tho, which is why the Live mode being lacking doesn't make me HATE the game, it just dissapoints me.

Been playing this game for a year now and I gotta say, this is one of the best gachas i've played this far. The gameplay is challenging but fun, it makes you use your brain. The character designs are mostly really good and the story is very complex and gets you interested in the characters. I will say, the amount of reading with no voiceover you have to do is kinda hard (for my little peabrain at least) but it really feels worth it to use your brain to beat a stage in order to read what happens next.

Am I biased when I say this is THE best Touhou game? of course but anyways

my ass played the PC-98 games yet never played embodiment of the scarlet devil

Hatsune Miku is like THE comfort character of mine, so this game makes me happy (also I love saki tenma)