My Giratina's name was Billy


It's not as hard as everyone says, people just don't like to use their brains. The artstyle is very charming and the story and gameplay work together perfectly to make you feel the same level as desperation as the protagonist at all times.

Got this one for free, amazing, showstopping

This game got me into Zelda and i hold it in very high regards cause of that

This review contains spoilers

What can I say about this game that people haven't said already in these past years?
Persona 5 Royal is a masterpiece, and while I'm a P4 fanboy till the day I die, even I can see that this IS the best Persona experience thus far.

Presentation-wise, it's without saying that this game is extremely pleasing to the eyes AND to the ears. Every single song in this game is a delight, the calm songs work well to soothe you in the calm moments, but on the other side the battle themes help getting you pumped up when you need to be.

The gameplay is as fun as a Persona game can get, the combat is fast-paced yet it also makes you think, the big emphasis this game has on techincals and baton pass makes it a very fun time. Every party member feels useful, and the ability to swap between them mid-battle and for them to keep gaining EXP even if they're not in the party made it so they're relevant all the way to the endgame with minimal grinding (I even pulled out Morgana against the last boss, even tho I benched him at Madarame's). Confidants are also a great evolution of the Social Links, since now they aren't just a way to fuse higher level personas, they each have a gameplay benefit that will help you while exploring palaces.
Due to some scheduling issues, I got every confidant to max but The Tower, and this fact will haunt me to my grave.
Fusion is also the best it's ever been, with lots of toys to help you make whatever persona you want with whatever build you want pretty easily.

The story is extremely good, even if the whole rebellion theme can get a bit cheesy. All the Phantom Thieves (Or Phantom Freaks in my game) have compelling character arcs, and even tho some of them got on my nerves (Morgana and Ryuji), I finished the game liking ALL the playable characters, including Miss Sumire Yoshizawa. Speaking of which, the Royal part of the story was good also, having a symphatetic villain is always nice, specially when it's executed like Maruki, where you don't really feel like he's doing anything bad at first. Having extra time with Akechi also felt nice.

Needless to say, I really enjoyed this game and very happy to have finally played it. Seeing how good this game was after hearing about it for so long, it makes me excited to see what Persona 6 has in store for us!

P.S.: Shoutout to my boyfriend for buying the game for me, I love you! ♡

Very pretty world, and very pretty characters. Kinda generous with F2P players, but you need to WORK for the primogems. (My ass got tired of exploring after the third year playing)
If paimon didn't speak so much, it would have 4 stars.

I love me stories that include a wacky group of weirdos full of banter, yet also gives me some of the wildest plot twists that leave me like ?????????????????????
Side quests were boooooooooooring tho


One day i'll actually finish Omori, but since steam decided to be silly and delete all my save data when swapping PCs, my momentum with the game was halted and other games that interested me appeared.
The game IS really good tho, the characters are very charming and there's also that darkness that RPG maker horror games usually have.

Starts Three Houses discourse

Shanoa is the only Castlevania protagonist to ever serve cunt, and thus this game is great.

This game gave me an entire year's worth of existencial dread... anyways I think it's neat.

The best one of the trilogy, not up for discussion. Some characters may be lacking in certain aspects, but the overall story was very fun to follow. The sound design and artstyle are also the best of the franchise and the gameplay is ALSO the most fun (as fun as you can make a VN lol). The game also includes tons of fanservice for series veterans in the form of the extra content like that one board game i forgor the name of. Keebo is the best character in this game