This is the best space RTS I've played and is really fun to duel friends on, its campaign is eh but its skirmish mode is super fun, trying to take over the galaxy has never been so easy!

Truly one of the best fallout games, held back only by its engine and horrible bugs. Player choice is expressed really well here.

A MMO based on star wars! its fun but I've never got deep into the mmo's.

A super fun RTS game if you like chilling and destroying ai's, theres an online scene but i've stayed mostly away from that so your mileage may vary

Not the best fallout game but the best game game out of the series. Entirely worth a play, fun to shoot things

All of the time spent on this game has been playing a mod called Movie Battles 2, Which is what I consider one of the best star wars games ever, which is horrible considering its a free mod.


Its an idle game and i like idle games

An excellent horde shooter, Great music, Fun game play. Its a good game, I recommend it.

Despite my large amount of hours in this game i don't have much to say about it. Its counter strike, its fun for a bit but I'm not the biggest fan, i just had a phase.

I am completely biased on this review and no i don't take criticism. Six Games, Six wonderful story's, Six wonderful soundtracks, This collection is just epic. 343 has hit it out of the park when it came to fixing it up and they're still adding new content! Its not for everyone but its for me.

A wonderful sandbox game, reflected by how many hours i have in it. An infinite amount of workshop addons to choose from, lively servers full of people usually just chilling. Its a simple game and it delivers on what it sets to do.

One of the best class based shooters that is free to play, unfortunately its suffering from lack of updates and a huge cheater problem right now which brings it down a star.