A fucking good game, i really enjoyed playing all of it but but i feel like it drags on just a bit too much by the ending, other then that it was great

I fucking enjoyed this game so much, i played it very poorly for so long. Its really a shame the nemesis system didn't catch on. I personally feel like this is the better of the middle-earth series in all but gameplay

When it comes to vr, it doesn't get much better then this.

Despite being an older title for vr it stands up so well

Not as good as New Vegas but its still some good fallout, but really buggy

DOOM! Is very good. Its first 2 hours are its weakness but it gets way better

Counter Strike! Fun skirmishes with bots! Simple fun with friends!

Fun with friends! But lacks a desire to come back to keep playing and it has too much mobile like gameplay

Half life! It good, old but good! Well worth a play!

I don't know how i racked up so many hours on this game but it was worth it, its a fun addon for half life that adds great weapons and a fun campaign

Driving games are not my thing, but i love this one particular game for one reason and one reason only, Perfecting my map times, its so satisfying to shave those seconds off

A fun medieval combat game! All the weapons feel great to use. Super fun to play with friends but gets stale after a while

I enjoyed freemode on online and parts of the campaign but it never really hooked me

A fun lil game! Simple enough to spend time in but lacks story

Really fun to smash ships together and i'm sure survival mode is fun for some people but lacks any "Play more feel" Just smash stuff together!

The best Portal game, fantastic writing, fantastic music, fantastic everything, my only problem is after playing it so many times I've memorised all the puzzles but there is the workshop for that!