this game is like.. built for dopamine i have literally screamed when finding synergies

Feel like they could do a pretty good "real game" but it was fun to shut no in 4 different ways

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kato go bye bye :(

This game appeared in my collection as a child and no one owned up to putting it there, was happy to have a new game but it really fucked with me.

Heavy rain taught me that I kind of like QTE's? this game blows though for real.

Felt unreal playing this on my ps3, rivals Red Dead Redemption 2 somehow despite being released a lot earlier

Gets a little bogged down in itself sometimes but I will remember this game for decades.

Man this is way better than Metal Gear the bosses are interesting, the puzzles are interesting. more well realized stories and themes that carry forward to the rest of the series. Man, if you've played every Metal Gear Solid entry MG2 is worth a look

Full of a ton of themes fighting for dominance. best web swinging and combat. the story is a bit overstuffed, maybe it could've used another 10 hours? I dont know. but there's some killer moments here.

Stinky old cryptic design. Respect it for establishing a whole genre though. As well as the franchise

I wish this game had more dlc. cant say that for any other game.