9 Reviews liked by Benjermon

Beaten on the highest difficulty with 3 gold stars and in just under 9.5 hours. I don't really know what to say about this game, and I don't really think anything could give it proper justification with how much it means to me. But - no exaggeration - every time I replay it, I end up appreciating it even more. It's genuinely incredible how this game really encapsulates pure fun. All I know for a factct is that I could not possibly be more excited for Heist 2 :)

In a lot of ways, pretty much the opposite of Unpacking. One remembered life through the spaces lived in, taking all the time in the world to place and contemplate the smallest details to a pixel level. Before Your Eyes looks at life as moments, not completely defined even, just extracts surrounded in a black fog. Segments that the more you try to concentrate on not losing sight of the quicker they get lost. If Unpacking tried to tell that the personal was defined through the planned detail that decorated life on a general level at a time, Before Your Eyes defines personal as the particular moments that, for any reason, stayed with you, and how your gaze navigated them. The implication of life against showing the people who were there. The isometric all-mighty observer versus the first person who cannot do anything but blink and move forward. Future decisions being a yearn, and yet they seem insignificant when appreciating the road traveled.

This one hit hard. The gimmick of the game is that you have to blink your eyes to control the game and progress forward, but not only does it make sense in the context of the story (which the ferryman comments upon), it plays right into the idea that life can slip you by in the blink of an eye. And it's one of the most devastating and well told stories I've experienced in a video game, accomplishing exactly what it means to do in an hour and a half. A very powerful game that you should play through in a single sitting if you're looking for an emotional experience.

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I thought to myself, "wow, this is a really childish view of what being famous is like".

I was right.

yeah sorry, but your blinking mechanic doesn't work THROUGH THESE TEARS

I hate this game so much. This is the saddest game I have ever experienced and made me sob the entire night I played it. I recommend it!!

the fact this is just so peak and they're hardly done...

agent 8 my beloved (also pearl and marina should've kissed)



the title drop for this made me sob