Hollow Knight is game that greatly affected me. It lead me to some of my most cherished friendships, and countless incredible moments. But rather than the community, let's focus on the game.
When I was playing this, I was barely able to put the game away. The world is vast and fascinating, and you feel so small when faced against it. Each characters brought me hope in this bleak world. For such a sad game, it's incredible how much wonder can be found in it. Truly an incredible experience. Play it blind if you can.

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An absolute blast of a game, such a compelling mystery with twist after twist. The characters were compelling, and I cared about them so much. An absolute must play for murder mystery fans.

The only thing keeping it from a five star for me would be the sometimes really tired "horny anime humor" sprinkled throughout the game. While the sheer ridiculousness of the porn mag gag making Date able to move insanely quickly gave me a good chuckle, there were some times when it just kinda annoyed me more than anything. The shout out scenes in the Iris route really stands out, as the horny humor was the entire basis of the defense and really took me out of what should have been much more thrilling moments.
Speaking of Iris, I do wish the way some characters treated her because of her idol status was called out more often. She said herself that she barely turned 18, and was still a high schooler. Seeing a guy well into his 20s so obviously lusting after her (and for all we know probably already was before she turned 18), and his attitude barely being called out by the game felt a bit uncomfortable.
Finally, while I truly appreciate the effort the game put into having LGBT+ representation, it did really fell short with the character of Mama. She had great potential, but her being voiced by a cis man and the numerous transmisogynist cliche used to portray her made me unable to enjoy her character to the fullest.

In the grand scheme of things, I still greatly enjoyed this game and would reccomend it to pretty much everyone.