I am completely obsessed with this but it is so ugly someone PLEASE release an overhaul mod to make it kawaii I want to destroy the planet with cuteness thanks


I already thought this was amazing and then I got to the end and lost my god damned mind

They shoulda made Sage look like Omelette

I'd never heard of The Witness until looking at the other reviews, so I can confidently state it stands up on its own merits. It also took me exactly 69 minutes to play which is just beautiful

This is shockingly atmospheric and would be a wonderful little game if it weren't for the occasionally janky and frustrating controls

This game ought to be atmospheric and engrossing, but the time limit just makes it frustrating and annoying. Would probably double the rating if that feature was removed.

Literally just Papers Please but British. Also, not actually fun.

A chance to relive web 1.0 I could ask for nothing more


The main praise this game gets is for the visuals. It ought to be very beautiful, but although they're going for a watercolour style, it's all vector artwork and the crisp lines aren't doing it any favours, just giving me Flash game vibes. All the concepts for an amazing look are there, but it just doesn't do it for me.
As for gameplay, to start with it was just extremely boring with a lot of running around an empty world without much to do and I almost quit, but the longer you play it the better it gets. After it introduces some new mechanics and light puzzles, it feels like I'm actually playing a game. Even the environments and creatures get better later on. I guess it's better than starting well and getting worse.

I spent more time playing this game than doing anything else, bar sleeping (barely)

The only freemium game that does it right

Somehow not nearly as good as the free predecessor

Putting "completed Sonic '06" on my resume as it shows such dedication and perseverance

Awkward controls & boring dialogue