This game is so fun but I just cannot bring myself to beat it

This is just one of those types of games that you love.

The multiplayer was not as good

Ever since I got this game when it came out I have always returned, it is only a shame that Rockstar never released DLC for the story mode.

Fun game with a bit of difficulty

This game was honestly so fun and used a lot of the mechanics that became widely used after the fact.

Do not play this please for the love that is all good and great!

BAH! This game is so bad that it's good! Terrible trash game, but fun to sink tons of hours into with your brain turned off...

This game was fun until it wasn't anymore. Might finish later...

Just experience this game and all its mightiness

Very cool combat and world mechanics, aside from that, there are parts of the game that become very annoying very fast.