I think that the game had its moments.

I played this when I was younger and it was an experience like none other. Did not finish it and may finish it at a later point.

The story was fun and good and could be better.

This game started one of the best lineages for Call of Duty with Treyarch, but even with that history Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 3 outshine this game.

Bias may play a large part in the decision of this rating, but this is the epitome of Call of Duty.

This game may be one of the last great FPS from it's time, to have such large community goals in the multiplayer that everyone worked towards to the story of zombies. This game was great even with the flaws.

The game ran poorly even with a good pc well above the specs recommendations and the story was not long enough to justify the extreme price as the other content in the game such as warzone is FREE

After hearing about this game for months I finally picked it up and played it. I was not disappointed, the game is great and plays very well.

FromSoftware often makes really good challenging games. This is the first one I completed and NG+ from them because it was simply that good.


I have to say, the game is fun, the jokes can be funny, and the difficulty is just right.

What is there to say? Play the base game until you get bored. Stop playing for multiple months. Start a modded server with your friends. Play that server for only 2 days before putting the game down for a year. Repeat.