A masterclass in frenetic shooter games.

Apex Legends might, in my opinion, be the best shooter released since Call of Duty Black Ops 2. It has good, balanced maps, champions, and guns. Mechanically though, this is where the game stands out. The weapon mechanics feel great, and moments where you think you hit the shot and it doesn’t register barely ever happen at all. The bullet drop-off and delay feel nearly perfect for every single weapon, and it feels amazing both for short and long range gunfights, which is essential for a battle royale. Even better than the gun mechanics is the movement. It rewards skill very well, and if you watch high level play where people have mastered the games movement you can see that very clearly. By learning the movement, which is already very fun, someone can go from being slow to just zooming through the map. I do dislike some of the movement nerfs that have been put in place, though. Overall, my go-to favorite modern shooter experience. Great game.

I love Tetris, but no Tetris game should ever be that good.

I’m a seasoned Tetris player, who already had quite some experiences with other official games and fanmade clients such as Puyo Puyo Tetris and Tetr.io. This, however, is something else. The game uses Tetris’ nearly trance inducing properties to make it go from “engaging” to “life changing”. The graphics and sounds all match the rhythm at which you play the game, the background sometimes changes with certain types of line clears and it all gets you completely immersed and engrossed in the game. Even individually, the graphics, music, and effects are gorgeous, but they come together in the absolutely perfect way. I love it. The online and effect modes also add a lot to the game, and I especially like the co-op boss rush. This game's not just a level up from traditional Tetris, it’s a completely new experience, and a must-play for every gamer that enjoys artistic games.

This might very well be one of if not the best example of good storytelling I’ve ever seen, played or read.

The game hooks you pretty quickly, with amazingly immersive controls which pair up with great attention to detail, that makes even the small things feel lively (like having to spin keys in doorhandles manually, or manually pull the doors open). The amazing immersion paired with the atmosphere around you makes it all feel pretty ominous, but also instigating. Essentially you feel the exact same way as the protagonist, quite scared of the odd feeling the house gives you while still making you curious about what’s within.
When the game really begins, as the first story starts, I instantly went from being just hooked and curious to being genuinely amazed. The way they tell the stories, pairing up everything perfectly, controls, soundtrack, and graphics to really make you feel like you’re the one in the moment, not the character. That’s what makes this game special. While the stories themselves are good, what really stands out is the way they’re told. Never have I seen such good linear storytelling ever. It’s a truly beautiful experience. If you’re a fan of story-based games this right here is a must-play. Amazing.

Quaver has an interesting development concept, which is an attempt at making the definitive 4-key rhythm game, featuring the qualities seen in other games of the genre like smooth gameplay and customizing options of osu!mania and the detailed statistics of Etterna. It does manage to do what it sets out to do, it plays very smoothly, is highly customizable, has very complete graphics and leaderboards, and has a nice modern-looking GUI. It’s a great game, but it does have some flaws (some of which aren’t even the developers’ fault). It’s a game that’s supposed to be community-driven, and for being so niche and so recent has comparatively very little made for it. Few charts and skins (although you can import osu! skins onto Quaver), let alone good ones. I do however believe that it’s a game that will age like wine. 3.5/5, since it doesn’t present anything really new to the table, and doesn’t feel very special at all, being basically just a big mashup of modern 4-keys.