1350 Reviews liked by Blu

Donald, play Imagine Dragons

I played a mobile knockoff that's just this game but free

seeing buddy holly in the item shop tonight was an ethereal experience

It's really funny how Butter Barn Hoedown by itself completely demolishes anything from Friday Night Funking (I don't respect it enough to name it properly).

who ever put thunder in this game needs to be fired immediately



This game is insanely padded but the ending was awesome and shinada is the goat. It clears all the other games up to this point

Super impressive that one guy made this. It has a real unique and great battle system that is fun to min max, a decent story, and fun exploration and customization with the sky armor (mechs). There are lots of nice secrets and superbosses to find too

I'd say the only thing I still am not a fan of is the look of some characters/the portrait art. There aren't different portrait expressions and it's not really a style I'm personally fond of. The rest of the game's spritework is pretty though

Good game overall

The song..... OF DEATH!!!!!

Much better than Lament of Innocence. Various weapons, the devil IDs (minions) that have a ton of branching evolution paths, warp rooms, actual interconnected areas, etc.

Only thing I'd say I really didn't like was Dracula's Castle, it was way too long and in general rooms get really repetitive imo. I guess the weapon upgrade system got annoying because you constantly ran out of materials, but that's it

Pretty great bosses, fun game. Wasn't really expecting an improvement from the previous 3D Castlevania game

i left da game once cuz i seen a spider

The game's fun to play but terrible to progress. Having to complete a subset of arbitrary challenge requirements to unlock new levels isn't something I'd call enjoyable.

I don't know why devs feel the need to pad out shit by assigning unfun chores just to see more of the game.