1353 Reviews liked by Blu

i left da game once cuz i seen a spider

The game's fun to play but terrible to progress. Having to complete a subset of arbitrary challenge requirements to unlock new levels isn't something I'd call enjoyable.

I don't know why devs feel the need to pad out shit by assigning unfun chores just to see more of the game.

This is only getting the extra half star because it's charming and has nice music but otherwise this game ruins lives. What the hell were they thinking?

Hard to recommend a game that takes over a hundred hours to get to the best part when the gameplay mechanics and loop are only just good and not great. Better enjoyed in small sections over a long time because it can feel very repetitive over longer play sessions. A lot of quantity over quality where there's few standout social links and palaces but most of it is just alright. Music, sound design and voice acting are all well done and enjoyable.

Rocko carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. No Shredder? No Rango? We do not care.

Super inspired indie game. It's main gimmick is a bit repetitive but they use it in really clever ways that I could really appreciate. The boss battles, OST, and some of the character interactions (namely with Chicory) REALLY carry this game.

Also yes, this is yet another indie game that's secretly about depression and anxiety. It's one of the good ones though, trust.

nigga dis shit a masterpiece if you own RCT 2 and RTC1 this is the definitive way to play

I have no words to explain just how utterly sublime and fantastic Metal Gear Solid 2 is. An essential play alongside MGS1 and 3 that is still relevant to this day given the current state of the world today.

They were kinda fucking around too much at the ending but it landed well. Combat was pretty ass and the systems sucked. play the original

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Think Mark THINK

Really fun, but felt too easy for a Mega Man-like game (because they give you too many powerful abilities). This is probably awesome to speedrun though

This shit goes bananas and bonkers.
Also check this out

Yes I beat this in a day, no I don't care what you think. This game is incredible, hell it's damn near perfect. I have to mention the music first because it cured my depression, amazing work by Yoko Shimomura for rearranging the entire soundtrack and it's all so good. Quality of life improvements to item management and a new item storage is much appreciated. Modernised combat feels satisfying and engaging without being too dissimilar from original and keeping the same feel. Being able to switch mid fight, visual indicators for timed hits, swapping out dead party members if you wish and more are all new to combat. This game has never played, looked or sounded better and it's an absolute delight to play through and replay.

An absolute masterpiece that beautifully blends nostalgia with modernity. Every decision has so much thought and care behind it. A satisfying turn based combat system with action commands and timed hits and variety in character movesets makes every battle feel fun. Great audio and visual design with fantastic lighting and colour palette. This is an RPG for everyone with customisable settings to choose how you want to experience this gem of a game.