82 reviews liked by Bmcdaniel1117

Follow Recoil is the best fishing mini-game I've played in years.

Best DLC of BL1. It is short but absolutely fun. Killing Claptraps was nice and the quests are rather enjoyable other than Tannis' quests. And finishing this DLC marks the end my BL1 journey. It was fun while it lasted but I don't think I will ever visit this game again, because I have BL2 ffs...

Started because of Phyllis. She gets me acting up every single time.
It took me 10 hours to realize I actually don't like farming/life sim games. Even though it was such an 'obstacle', I enjoyed it while it lasted. After a while, everything started to feel like a 'burden' rather than an enjoyable experience. Everything feels so tedious and messy that I couldn't even finish building my first bridge during this time.

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

Harry is literally me also Kim is genuinely the cutest bestest boy I want him to feel good I want to hug him I love him deeply. I love when the voices tell me to kill myself to assert authority

I joined my character on the journey to insaneness. He went mad I went mad, he got into depression and I still did not leave his side, I got depressed with him. Then I saw that this relationship was toxic and decided to abandon the game. After that, I have never seen that lunatic.

A genuinely Great fighting game plagued by a bunch of BS around it.

Had to bust this out in honor of Sting’s final match. Long live the Stinger!

Year's 1-3 were all great until they started reworking maps that didn't need to be. If it wasn't for Jynxi this game would be dead.

It would be 10/10 if instead of fighting they could have gay sex

1 list liked by Bmcdaniel1117