There’s a persona 1 and 2???!??!???!???????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Man I love the megacraft hentai series.

I’ve seen enough of this game to say that it’s pretty good and a strangely well executed idea of a game

Good story, simplistic yet great graphics, really just a game about killing red dudes

To be fair the main game itself isn’t that good but the modding potential was what really got me into playing rhythm games soo :/

I am unable to walk because I didn’t have enough social credit

Despite how much hate the game gets for being fortnite, it’s a solid enough battle Royale and really made the genre popular

Every character from past games is back, good dlc, too many rpgs

What else can I say? it’s Minecraft

Good story, nice pixel graphics, very great movement

Good art, good music, really fun gameplay, way too short for what it is tho

This game got boring after a week.

Really good game, idk what else to say gonna be honest