look at the fuckin hours i put into this game and rising storm 1+2. i am absolutely entitled to the veteran's discount.

as with all the best characters in fiction, sho minamimoto was actually based on me.

Remember when tidus laughed lol. Anyway i was blitzed out of my mind when i played most of this so i think this games about fighting a whale while trying to get your stupid best friends team in some dumb sport thats probably actually real (and european) to go pro.

it still plays JUST AS WELL today as it did in 1999. if you disagree i'm constitutionally allowed to silence you with a katana. read the bill of rights.

as someone who actually lives in sector 7 and hangs out with tifa everyday who finds me VERY charming, this game holds a special place in my heart

great if you feel like reliving a past job as a deliveryman except your circa 2009 ipod library is replaced by a colicky infant. add a star if youre drunk and listening to a funny podcast (i decide if its funny or not)

ill never play another game like this and it kills me to type that

single-handedly responsible for turning me into a weeb. this game has so many crimes to answer for.