6 reviews liked by Bora

Katana 0 uses the video game art form in a way nothing else has. So much of what it does that blows you away cannot be accomplished in any other medium, you can't do scenes like V's interrogation or the blue-room scene with other art forms.
An incredible story that constantly answers questions with answers that result in more questions, while managing to never become convoluted, it had me finish the entire game in one sitting because I always felt like I needed to find out more about what the hell was happening. taught me a lot about how thrilling narratives are even constructed in the first place
Incredible visuals and OST that forms some insanely trippy scenes and moments, absolute work of art of a game.

the Demonica stays ON during sex

si manhunt te parece un buen juego de stealth sos un pelotudo seguro te encanta hacer media hora de fila en el supermercado para comprar paquete de tallarines y un agua tambien asi de pelotudo sos

I wasn't expecting too much of this game, I know this is FF VII that I'm talking about, but I've never really played it entirely, just because I thought the plot was very simple and shallow (big corp evil, save the world from pollution and other evil things and such), and the only time I really tried to play it, my psp with the game save was stolen. Now about the game itself, the first act is one of the most famous story plots in gaming history so I wasn't that much of surprised with the things happening, at that point it was an 3/5 stars for me, and it kept me really thinking about why do people think this is one of the best games ever? And my first conclusion about this was that the game was released at the right moment and right time,a solid game with graphics that were outstanding at the time and mechanics that are pretty neat and innovative, it was a fresh start for Square during the playstation 1 era. But suddenly as the storyline progresses and you encounter Cid (one of my favorites characters in the game) the characters really starts to shine, with each one having different interactions, and they really sounded like very different people, each one being very unique and having very contrasting traits. And of course the best part that I didn't saw it coming was Cloud Strife's past, I've never seen very much about him before playing it, for me he was just a badass edgy character and the true motive of him being such a dork during most of the game was because he really was very egocentric. But in fact Cloud Strife is one of the best written characters of the game industry, this single character made me change my whole perspective about this game and the real meaning behind it. Finally, the end of the journey was very satisfactory and for sure Final Fantasy VII will stay in a very special place in my game shelf.

Voy de guay y de que sé lo que estoy haciendo, pero en verdad cuando mejor me lo paso es cuando cojo al personaje mas unga bunga del juego y spammeo botones.