485 Reviews liked by BorealPaella

I only played this game because of my ex, and even then it was a miserable experience. Then she cheated on me on Valentine's day, of all days. Because of her, I unnecessarily wasted part of my life on this shithole of a game.

Fuck you Evelyn, and fuck you League of Legends.

The town of Inaba feels like home. This game is cozy to the maximum and has a gripping "whodunit" story. The dungeons aren't the greatest since they're randomly generated. But, the overall theme and setting makes up for any shortcomings this game has

this is certainly one of my favorites persona games out there, i love 3 and 5 but i think the characters, ost, and the story was really good! i loved spending time with friends and grinding, i loved how shuffle works in this game, you can certainly abuse it but i had a lot of with it. the social links could have been better but they are also a lot of good ones imo, certainly give this game a try!

KOFXV lost best fighting game to this lmao.

played for about 20 minutes, crashed once, and I immediately don't like how it controls. hard pass

They came back after over a year and made the game

-More buggy
-More grindy and greedy
-Less fun
-More ugly
-Impossible to play with all the characters in local/training mode
-Have less accessibility options
-Have cut online features
-Have a worse camera
-Even less fun to play 1v1

And they didn’t fix any of the issues of it being a mash fest, the weird theme park music, and poorly executed sound design and voices.

And they STILL don’t have Paul Atreides

WB Games learned many lessons about applying games as service mechanics to games that do not need them, subsequently killing them, after the failure of Kill the Justice League.

Too bad it was all the wrong lessons how did this game come back after a year even MORE obnoxiously predatory, unpolished and unfinished lmao

im not strong enough to play another f2p game. To clear another battle pass. Let me rest.

it got worse, a bunch of smash4 jigglypuffs and gandolfs. It's slower, characters got worse, the camera got strangely close, so many glitches, the new maps are the worse in the game, ui is uglier. Holy shit.

I feel like you have to make an active effort in making a game feel this shitty to play, it's genuinely impressive that they took like two years(?) to refine this game and ended up with whatever the fuck this is. Did the team think this was good? How does this happen.
Pubstomping people who clearly don't know how to play with my unbeatable Bugs Bunny down air to up air to up air combo was funny tho. (I don't think I lost a single game in the hour I fought randos online lol)

how the fuck do you make an already really slow game even slower while also fucking up most of the things that made it good? it's insane. don't even fucking bother. also 30 frame buffer IS INSANE

It came back worse in every way which is like super impressive.

There is room for a free to play Smash clone for sweaty losers, but the problem is being a diluted Smash clone is just not good enough when Smash feels so much better to play.

Like Nintendo hates you for liking Smash and will never bring the game to platforms beyond their own, so there's room to eat some of it's lunch on Steam. Compared to Smash, Multiversus is too slow and too floaty for it's own good and just won't cut it long-term as a competitor or a fun PLATFORM FIGHTER.

The name Multiversus sucks, the menus are a fucking nightmare, and the 2v2 emphasis isn't even really a thing anymore so it has no identity beyond it's intellectual properties.

We need a different contender in the space.