My first experience with Kirby, a simple but cutesy game that unique compared to other Kirby games (which I guess is due to how it wasn't planned to be one)

First experience with Indy and Lego games, fun levels and graphics, could be worth a remake

Still one of the best star wars experiences, though the empire and ROTJ levels bring it down slightly.

A great evolution of the original

Fun experience, weak compared to the galaxy ones but a rewarding experience. Bowser's fury is great too

As soon as I got an achievement for throwing a can back at that soldier I knew I was in for something special.

I think this might be a contender for being among my top favorites. The visuals are still really impressive for 2004. The first 5 Chapters were the most I felt immersed in a game since Red Dead 1 back in 2019.
I will say some chapters do drag a bit (8 and 9a) and combat feels off early on, But almost everything else is a great experience that I wish I got to experience it sooner.

Enjoyed this more than Episode 2. I felt the levels were more consistent, the puzzles were mostly decent early on. Only slow parts were the final parts with leading troops and some antlion parts. Alyx is a fun character, even with the Zombine joke. (Ostrich ha ha.mp3)

Didn't find it as engaging as Episode 1, though part of that might be due to playing both back to back. Again the Antlion parts get a little repetitive but the story parts were decent. I wish we got to see more of Eli and Dog (though the followup to Alyx could fix that). Also the last mission is literally the same as the one for Simpsons Hit and Run. All together a great package.
Can't imagine the agony of waiting over 10 years for the continuation (both official and Epistle 3).

Forgot to give an entry for this one. It's... fine. The combat is fast at first but gets really repetitive later on, and feels like it's missing some charm to me. The plot feels too fan fiction like and I wish it didn't go the way that it did. Hope it at least has some ties to botw 2.
update 20/6/23- since hardly any of the content ties into tears of the kingdom I am lowering my score by half a star.

Essentially New Super Mario Bros Wii 1.5 (How they got away with recycling 90% of its soundtrack is insane) and almost easier than the original but has some fun charm at times. The Coin Rush levels add to replayability.

I feel if this came out in 2016 (instead of them porting mario maker 3ds) it wouldn't have made the series too saturated imo and would give it its own identity.

Rather fun, hope to see more like this in the future

Short but the replay value makes up for it