November 2004 really decided to gift the world with a banquet of peak served on a golden platter.
I don't know where to begin with this one. Everything with this game works. This is like every great part of the past two games enhanced. The exploration is fun, the new mechanics work, the cobra units are intriguing, and story is so entertaining. Even when there were parts I kept muddling up it was still fun. And Naked Snake is up there with John Marston as among my favourite gaming protagonists.
There's just so much entertaining parts to it all.
I don't have a PS3 so I can't play MGS4. But that's more of a movie than a game anyways so I don't need to buy one for it. Will look at Peace Walker at a later date.

Also everytime I heard Ocelot spoke I just kept picturing Spectacular Spider-Man lol

Addicting (though is kinda too simple if you're playing NES online's rewind feature lmao)

Please for the love of god give this a Switch sequel

This game is like they saw the memes and articles comparing the N-Sane Trilogy to Dark Souls and took it as a compliment.
Sekiro: Bandicoots Die Twice. Or in this case 2,000 times.
Colourful presentation, Some good levels but not ones I'd replay that often.
(62% completion in 19 hrs)

I though a good version of 06 was only true in fairytales...
And then I saw this project!
Now I'm a believer!

Finally got the chance/resources to play this.
It's just as perfect as when I first played it in 2013.

For the last Herbie related media to be released it's fine, average in comparison to other racing games but has some challenge

Still one of the best, again play the ios version for the best experience

The odd one out of the classics but still worth it for the aesthetic and soundtrack

Saw Casino Royale a few weeks ago later found a used copy of this and thought 'Why not?'.
Starts off as "We have Uncharted at home" before becoming more "splinter cell/mgs at home" like. But I enjoyed it. I liked some of the action segments and stealth parts in the casino, but later levels aren't as engaging as it leads tomindless takedowns and the ending fight is so anticimatic. Story feels weirdly underdeveloped and Daniel Craig's performance is a little inconsistent. It has the most 'that's now it ends?!' endings I've ever had for a game.
Still, as someone who hasn't experienced Uncharted this was a nice blast for a few hours.

The worst sonic game I've played. controls are stiff, special stages are awkward, level design is wonky after Desert Ruins. If you think forces is the worst modern sonic game play this in its entirety and then come back to me