Overall it's a nice game. Linear plot, fast paced gameplay with good action presented as cinematic set pieces. I never played the original Tomb Raider and always thought Lara was just an eye candy but my god is she a badass in addition to being hot. The moment when she yells, "I am still here, still alive," after defeating hordes of armed enemies, was easily my favorite.

As for the criticism, the characters except for Lara were poorly developed. They felt more like plot devices, and could not make me care about them at all. The same goes for the mystery and paranormal elements on the island—they weren’t properly built up or explored. The pacing was a bit off too. At the halfway point, the queen’s guards are introduced as these scary mythical monsters who are killing people left, right, and center, and you don’t even get to fight them but just have to run away. Then you meet them again straight at the ending, and this time you are taking on and killing entire armies of the queen's guards. Also, the final fight kind of sucked; it never really felt like there was any tension.


Beating the absolute shit out of children till they pass out was always my ultimate fantasy. Better than GTA, Hope it gets a sequel before I die.

IT JUST GETS SO BORING AFTER A CERTAIN POINT. It's such a shame since things start off well and the first part was excellent. Seeing Kiryu having changed his identity and started working as a taxi driver in a new city while a new storm brewed around the Tojo Clan, just waiting to suck him in again, was engaging.

All the side content of the first part was good as well, especially the ones where you work as a taxi driver and navigate the busy roads within the tight rules while engaging your passengers. It's probably the best side content I have come across in the Yakuza series, right up there with pimping as Majima in Yakuza 0.

The ending of the first part was amazing too, with Kiryu retaining his badassery and being presented as the legendary dragon again. But then the Saejima portion came, which just bored me out of my mind. I don't care about Saejima as a character and I don't like his fighting style either, It feels too slow. Plus his story disrupted Kiryu's and then it stretched out. I played until Chapter 3 of Part 2, Saw that I am going to have to play as Saejima again then just gave up.

Cool Pirate Game. The ship mechanics are fantastic! Sailing the seas on the Jackdaw with the crew singing lovely sea shanties while looting merchant ships and battling the Royal Navy truly makes you feel like a pirate. And Who doesn't want the opportunity to role-play as one?

This game probably has the best combat of any Assassin's Creed game. It's not too complex, flows freely, is fast-paced, and is a lot of fun. Although I generally despise Ubisoft, they have yet to disappoint me in one aspect: the music, which is, once again, fucking amazing. Being primarily sea-based also gives kind of a new feel to the open world.

The only criticism I have is about the story. Assassin's Creed 3 ruined me to the point that I can't bring myself to care about anything happening outside the Animus. Inside the Animus, the plot wasn't much better. It could have used better writing, the characters and the plot had too much potential that was just wasted but that's kind of the story of every AC game post Ezio trilogy. The only silver linings were Edward's development, particularly at the end of the game, and the story's conclusion.

It's a very shallow game to be honest. It has Repetitive dungeons, boring and unsatisfying combat combined with outright bad RPG elements.

But if there is one thing that this game does right then that is it's open world. It's very well designed and genuinely interesting to explore unlike most open world games these days which are just littered with empty spaces and shitty collectibles. You can just ignore the main storyline and make your own adventure, It truly completely redeems this game and then there are always mods to enhance it further. Also the music is fucking excellent.

It may not be the masterpiece people hail it to be, but it's still good. I played it for like 50 hours and even though I didn't finish it, it still ended up being a very unique and good experience for me.

This game was surprisingly intelligent for it's era, It wants you to play smartly which just enhances the survival horror gameplay tenfold. it's Level design, animation, difficulty mechanic, bosses, progression system, enemy AI all are so well done and still hold up well to this day which is insane cause this it's 18 year old now.

It's one of the GOAT games. The only reason it got a 4 from me is because I played it in 2023 not 2005, Writing is it's biggest flaw which has aged poorly but was good enough for it's time. Some dialogues are just cringe while the story gets a little repetitive and bland at times but the gameplay is still good enough to make it enjoyable, A MUST PLAY.

Good puzzles, atmosphere and gameplay packed into a 3-4 hour mindfuck, I didn't understand ANYTHING but it was a fucking blast.

Mix of good writing and cool characters (Gortys and Loader Bot are so wholesome) with Borderland's charm and humour, One of the best Telltale games but not without it's faults. Some poorly written character arcs and choices not mattering as much it should in a game in which most of the gameplay is choice based but then again it's telltale so I didn't expect much.

Also the game would have benefited a lot more from good puzzles instead of sections of just slowly walking around, mashing Q and quicktime events all of which gets boring eventually.

Never played Max Payne one and two but even as someone completely new to the character and franchise this was amazing. Max's one liners, the slow motion dives and especially the story was so damn good and depressing.

Really wish the game was longer and that there are more entries in the series but I know a new game is just going to be another tragic fiasco in Max's life and this was good enough for a closure so It's just best to leave the character alone and let him live in our memories.

Classic example of good ideas and bad execution. Gameplay is really fun at the beginning but starts getting repetitive and boring really quick, Side missions are plain bad and once you get some guns the game becomes child's play.

Also the story oh god! the story. It's bad, boring and did not engage me even one bit also the characters are so badly written especially the protagonist, Jade and the antagonist who is just a vaas wannabe. Can't say I did not have fun but the game was not good enough for me to finish it either.

Easily one of the best hitman games. I would have given it an even higher rating had the story and the last 3 missions not sucked.

Even 10 years later the game holds up well. Visually it's amazing, the atmosphere is great and The gameplay is really good too, Zapping enemies with shock jockey and then shooting their heads off is just pure fun.

My problem with this is that the story became too much to follow and it looked like the game was trying to integrate too many themes into the story and ultimately failed properly conveying any of those themes. The whole Ending act was also a little underwhelming to me so overall it's a decent game with plenty of flaws but still a lot of fun.

It just feels like a DLC of AC4, There are not much changes in the gameplay. The story though in my opinion is better than black flag but nothing special, It suffers a lot from it being too short. We didn't get to spend enough time with any of the characters for them to become likable and for us to feel anything when they die.

One of the problem with story was also that everything was painted black and white, The templars have been the bad guys in the AC series for so long but it this game they are suddenly the good guys without any fault. You can make the templar's motivations feel justified or understandable without making them look like literal saints, that's just lazy writing which wasted a lot of potential.

Overall the game is fun. The combat is fast paced and flashy like it was in black flag, in the side missions I enjoyed assassin interception a lot (The Templar Enforcer outfit I got as a reward for completing all of them looked cool too), The game looks beautiful in the snowy regions and the music especially the main theme is great. The game is just too short and disappoints a lot in the main story.

It's the weakest game in the GTA series for me, It has a really bland world without much to do and I could not even connect to the story. The protagonist Niko, who is supposed to be one of the strongest points of the story feels inconsistent and uninteresting.

It's still a GTA game though and that's why it's still a lot of fun to play but it really does a bad job at matching upto the rest of the series.