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A pretty good entry in the series, but unfortunately it does some things that make it feel like a downgrade from 5 in some regards.

The visuals are the biggest issue I have with the game; they just really do not look very good. I SEVERELY wish they had gone in a more stylized and cartoony direction for the visuals. Realism doesn't work for Street Fighter designs, and stuff like Luke's weird Popeye arms or everything about Blanka just looks off. The stages also lack a lot of the charm that SFV's did. The avatars also look pretty bad and it took me a ludicrous amount of time to make once that looked halfway decent. Capcom's 2D art has always been amazing and I wish this game's visuals had a chance to show that off, because they just don't do it justice.

On the other hand, I do like World Tour mode a lot, it's a fun addition to the series and an excellent way to do a story mode in a fighting game. I kind of wish the non-Metro City and Nayshall areas were a bit bigger though. The base gameplay is fun, and I love the return of having more than one Super Art.

SFV's visuals were by no means perfect, a lot of the earlier characters looked off, but it still had that Capcom style to it which is what drew me to the SF series in the first place; this game feels severely lacking on that front. I also have some issues with the localization, there's some pretty odd or questionable choices for certain things.

Overall, it's a fun time and by no means bad, but I just feel they went in a direction with it in terms of presentation and designs that feels like a massive misstep.