19 Reviews liked by Budheavy225

Just didn't do it for me. I really enjoyed Diablo 3 and figured I'd give 4 a shot but the constant reminders of battle passes and microtransactions absolutely ruined the immersion and fun of the game. The classic Diablo gameplay is still there and it is pretty fun with friends but I just couldn't get myself to continue playing after the 10th or so hour in. May pick up and play again but I have pretty much little to no intention of doing so any time soon. A tragic victim of the "games as a service" game design mentality.

This game was a perfect choice for the beginning of spooky season! This was a fun, short and utterly terrifying experience to say the least. This went from playing hide and seek with cute little gnomes to swimming through piles of rotting meat real fast. The story itself was incredible , something that I will be thinking about a lot and looking more into. The environment, soundtrack, and monster design are this games strengths. Where this game falls short, is the animation, frame rate, and wonky controls. At some points, it ran completely fine but there were multiple instances where the frame rate just couldn’t keep up with the action and caused me to mess up what I was doing. But the frequent checkpoints made this not a huge issue. While some might be turned off by the gameplay, I personally think it’s worth pushing through it simply because of the wonderful narrative and visuals this game has to offer.

i had fun with the game
it was awesome lurking the rooftops and assassinating prey
it was badass

then the final 1/3 happens
you want to use the iconic Predator Cloak? too bad! now every enemy can see through it!
you know those side objectives you could do for bonus skins? well turns out they are NOT optional and have upgrades you NEED otherwise the end of the game is an unplayable mess! and you won't know that upgrades are even in the level unless you already finished it first!

you know the iconic rival of the Predators the Xenomorphs right? well we're gonna make you traverse a Spider-Man wall crawling maze while they infinitely spawn and dogpile you because you can't attack on the wall!

this is the most disappointing game i've ever played and it hurts as a massive fan of the Alien/Predatorverse as this is the ONLY solo Predator game with the gadget freedom of the AVP games

this had so much potential but the quirky controls combined with the awful camera and dogshit final 1/3 drop its points by a metric fuckton

i could not even recommend this to fans of the movies

Tony Hawk, but with Jaundice.

A combination of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons' puzzle/cinematic platformer gameplay and Little Nightmares' panic horror, wrapped up in Nordic folklore themeing.

The gameplay is varied enough that it kept my insterest trought the 4 hours of my playtrough. Some people think the game is too short but I feel like the lenght is just perfect, making it any longer would have just made it feel padded out. There are already so many awesome moments and setpieces in the campaign. Graphically, it's obvious that it's a smaller indie game but the environmental design and atmosphere are superb and more than make up for any visual shortcomings.

Bramble: The Mountain King is a very charming and memorable experience. It's competently made and clearly with a ton of passion. If you like horror and don't mind the occasional cinematic moments, It's definitely worth a playtrough.

Bramble is like the sister game to Brothers. Both Swedish productions, the team of Dimfrost keyed into the same joy and heavy darkness inherent in Nordic folklore as Starbreeze did with one of the best-ever stories in games, in Brothers.

Bramble can turn on a dime. It’s a beautiful thing. You might be climbing a mountain awash in beautiful moonlight then you’re down in it, wading through entrails and guts, trying to dodge the knife of a massive troll butcher. Maybe you’re being helped by a cute helpful troll or rowing along as your young boy character, with a figure of death seated right behind him, occasionally clasping his hand over the boy’s mouth, and sending him into a nightmare battle on the fringe of death.

There is a simple, pleasing linearity here. The game is not so big so as to overwhelm any of its simple story and not so small that you it doesn’t exude feeling consistently.

There is art right out of a Swedish storybook. Seriously, in comparing many images to traditional Swedish illustrations from some books, many things are pulled and recreated in the game’s own aesthetic, paintings reconfigured, old stories decontextualized.

It’s really good straightforward stuff, like Hellblade before it, exploring a culture’s stories where most of our children’s stories actually come from, but are too rarely honored in games. It’s a special game lasting only a few hours but it does a lot in a short amount of time and is full of cheer, jumps, foreboding moods, and a really pretty soundtrack.

It’s a winner and it’s short: play it on GamePass, the right space for a game like this.

It was ok-ish until the shift of the gameplay, wich imo it's just worse.

This pseudo sequel/reboot to the PS2's legendary Budokai games delivers visually, but falls flat in every other way. Shallow story mode, pace breaking new mechanics, and cut down roster/game modes makes this the least of Dimps' DBZ efforts.

shit game but the soundtrack goes absolutely bonkers

That fat ghost haunted my nightmares

That shark boss is made of hell and nightmares

Bouncing Recoome's fat ass off the Namek dirt was the highlight of my life

The gameplay is really unique and you got a lot of options of traveling and attacking! Story is meh, the difficulty is hardcore and you also can't adjust it.

Was a cute and fun game but the further I got into the game the weirder it got, and the ending was strange, bizarre and downright creepy. Not a fan.