Jesse, we have to make the cake monster goop. It's very important that we do this

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Big thanks to my friend for giving me a birthday crisis, thanks buddy uwu)b

Jokes aside, it's a good story. I find myself in Kanni's shoes a lot more than I'd like to admit, which only made the ending hit even harder. Now that I'm done with the game, I will think about the cat

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"Playing this game made my soul feel ____."

When I first saw this game for sale today, I thought it would be a normal game, nothing out of the ordinary compared to others. A story about a protagonist with no parents going on an adventure to save the world through the power of friendship, and it is! But after seeing some of the routes the story branches from, it gives me perspective about why some of the characters act the way they do. Why a bully chooses to bully, why loved ones keep secrets from you. To me, it breathes life into their dialogue and makes them feel like more than just a static portrait and text dialogue on a colored speech bubble. That's what makes me love this game, it's part of the game's charm that spurs me to try and make the right choices to help everyone in this little town.

It's what they all deserve.

There was something about the narrator's desperation for a good ending in the face of many unhappy endings that felt all too familiar. It was like looking in a mirror, spending hours upon hours of overthinking my choices in a perhaps vain attempt of a satisfactory conclusion. if I were to keep pursuing this path, would it all be worth it? What would happen if I didn't do this? This distress that the narrator made my sympathetic heart also yearn for a satisfactory end. I felt like if I didn't try to get this good end, these townspeople would keep living in a lie which I simply wouldn't stand for.

As well as the Narrator, Luka's past took me by surprise too. When his flashbacks started, it started to hit a bit too close to home. There is a truth to what his future self says, children interpret situations differently, their mind can't fully grasp how serious a situation can be. And when he pieced the memory together and remembered hearing his parents fighting, I broke down. I feel like these encounters in the void gave me some sort of closure with my own past, but most of all, it really put me into Luka's mindset. When he screamed out on the stormy night releasing all that anger and pain into the sky, I was proud of him. As a boy who had lost so much, this was just one of the ways he could move forward. Sure his Gran would prefer a simpler way forward, but healing from a grave pain such as this is never so, it takes time. Time that would be stolen away from him as well when she destroys The Source. The whole story in its grand scheme is a powerful presence in my mind. It leaves me with lots of scattered emotions but in a good way.

Also Sharper disintegrating was funny, heck rich people

I am going to smack this melon for 30 minutes and no one can stop me!


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As someone who didn't have a great childhood, it's comforting to see any form of media shedding light on the use of dreams as a means of escapism whether it be good or bad. Sunny's Headspace is very comforting, with the music and the sheer absurdity of the characters

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A game from my childhood that I hold dear to my heart. Despite the surprisingly grim story that the beginning sets up, it's still one hell of a journey that a young pup from the city takes to find a cure for their chronically ill sibling. It's a story about love and gratitude, forming new bonds and making the world better for everyone. It's all that good sappy kids stuff where friendship is literal magic and completely ignoring that wild animals can and will kill you. Y'know, for kids!

Poor joke aside, it's a lovely adventure full of doggy wonder where you can explore the world, put in the work to craft clothes for your dog, actively drink sea water, and wear a stupid fuckin apple hat that's bigger than your head as a reward for completing a food collection. Not to mention the ability to catch bugs and fish like it's animal crossing. You can see why I loved it as a little kid.

If you think my look on it has changed now that I'm technically an adult you're wrong. It's a silly dog game with a linear story that makes me feel good about helping people and also gives me the good head feelings by allowing me to do whatever the fuck I want like fishing and dressing my dog in cute outfits. Good game, would recommend for a good time.

Requires a few playthroughs for all the achievements but otherwise a nice silly game. Also Alligator Majima exists

All the additions and dlcs are cool but please for the love of god fix the pathing system, you don't know how many times I've cried over failed symmetry and stairways

Compared to the older games, the story for this one felt pretty lackluster. Also I don't like the friend system for this game, on some days the pokémon you want will just be unavailable and you're forced to choose someone else

Went through three acts thinking that the story would get better but it didn't. Also I found a bug that freezes my cursor if I check for errors

The random encounters get boring after a while with the same repeating songs

The new additions to the game after the main story completion make gameplay even more enjoyable

Something about the writing just left me with a really uncomfortable feeling and I couldn't focus

Not funny a lot of the time, hate how Brian's romance route is written out

Love is stored in the cat wearing a clown wig