Persona 4 be like “Be your true self! But only if your true self isn’t Pibby, isn’t toilet, isn’t too much of a skibidi, doesn’t gyatt weird, inherents the state of ohio, and generally abides by fanum taxes. You can like rizzing but your friend will still tell you Merry Christmas!🎁🎄 “

No More Heroes 2 is a confused mess of a sequel that completely misses the point of the original game. While in some aspects like the combat or the graphics it can be considered a “step up”, it misses the mark in so many other regards that it really doesn’t matter.

While the open world in the first game is nothing to write home about, it helped give the game personally and built the world of Santa Destroy. But instead of improving upon it in NMH2, they made the bold choice of getting rid of it entirely! What we have instead is an unimaginative level select screen with all needed locations within arms reach. No traveling, no interaction, nothing.

As for the side jobs you can take, at first I liked the more classic NES style games over the jobs in the first game, until I realized they all drag on and on. I swear, most of them take as long as an actual level to complete, and if you get bored and want to quit, congratulations! You just wasted your time! You earn absolutely no money and have to start all over. Even if a job seemed initially fun, the tedium set in quick. Oh but of course, the one job they brought back from the original game, just so happened to be the worst one.

As for the main levels, they’re not the worst but they still leave a lot to be desired. They lack the variety of level gimmicks the first game have to break up the monotony, wiliest in this game it barely attempts to have any more depth. One level in particular felt either unfinished, or just had plain bad pacing, where I was stuck fighting off wave after wave in a mall parking lot for what felt like 10 minutes before I could finally progress.

The bosses at the end of each level are all very forgettable compared to the original games lineup. None of the bosses in NMH1 got a whole lot of time to shine, and yet each cutscene they were given shows us lots of personality, fun interactions with Travis, and ultimately left a lasting impact on the player. In this game, on the other hand, they generally lack the same appeal. I can only remember a few particular bosses from this game, but even then I don’t really feel the impact they had on Travis or the player.

Speaking of Travis, he is horribly mishandled in this game. In the first game, Travis is a shitty guy, no question about it. He’s a complete dork who constantly fucks up, and doesn’t hesitate to kill hundreds of people just because some hot chick told him to. The game knows this, and Travis is constantly made a fool of himself, either in failed attempts to be cool, or simple consequences for his actions. This is yet another aspect that is massively fumbled in this game. This time around, they try to frame him actually cool? In fact, Travis is actually REWARDED at one point of the game. As to why, I don’t know, because he’s just as shitty as before, but now the only consequences he faces are occasional self imposed warrior codes. But even then, said warrior codes are dropped almost instantly going into the next level. Shinobu and Sylvia were pretty fucked up to, what were once a badass and a intriguing schemer are now reduced to the role of simping for Travis, despite him doing nothing to deserve it.

While this might not be the worst game ever, it’s still a game I absolutely despise. It took one of the most unique games the Wii had to offer and boggled it down to a boring and unimaginative mess of game.


DOOM is about as important to gaming as it is just a plain good ass game. Wolfenstein mat have pioneered the genre, but DOOM truly made FPS games what they are today. DOOM features a kickass soundtrack, kickass gunplay, kickass enemies, and kickass just about everything else. DOOM is essential for anybody who claims to be a gamer.

Mother 3 is possibly my favorite game period. If you ask me, Mother 3 is gaming perfection and is able to accomplish almost everything it sets out to do with flying colors. It's really telling how great this game is when the worst thing I can say about it is that there was a lore dump toward the end that I did not care for. But anyways, the game has a great visual style, an engaging story, possibly the best soundtrack I’ve ever heard in a game, and an excellent combat system that directly ties in to the music. If you can press the A button along with the beat of the song that’s playing, you will initiate a satisfying string of attacks. Some battles are even made more challenging by playing music with unorthodox beats, making it harder to tap to the beat. There’s very little I can say that will do this game justice, so just go play it.

White Woman jumpscare got me good

It’s uncanny how unfinished this game is

They should force sex offenders to play this in prison

I deeply regret to inform you all that I received some bad news.

The Admins of the Creepypasta wiki have finalkly decided to delete Sonic.exe offa the wiki, on the grounds that it was "badly written" and "had too many cliches" and "was a bad example of what should be a creepypasta".




As you can see I am FURIOUS with the fact that my masterpiece, which has won the hearts of millions and has made a massive impact on the internet, is being brought down by a bunch of jealous, arrogant, retarded FURRY-HATERS.


That does not mean I am just going to sit down and take this lightly.


They have been messing with the bull, and now they've called out the horns!

Listen everyone, I need your help with this. We are at WAR here. I want every Sonic.exe fan who is reading this to get the word out! I want you to tell every other Sonic.exe fan out there, every fanatic, every artist, every follower of my creation about this. Tell your friends who are also Sonic.exe fans if they have to! Tell them we have to keep the spirit of Sonic.exe alive!

Make more fanart, make more videos, block the haters, praise Sonic.exe like you never have before, build websites dedicated to his greatness, whatever you gotta do to keep him alive and strong, JUST DO IT.

The deletion of Sonic.exe from the wiki is but a minor cut on our flower of greatness, my friends! And that cut has done nothing but further the spreading, and we are the pollen of this flower! We need to prepare for our victory over the Haters! The Haters need to BLEED for their crimes!!

Rejoice, my fellow Sonic.exe Fans! Our glorious little Hellspawn shall have the laugh yet!

THIS will be his ultimate victory!

The absolute subjugation...


It’s like Undertale in the sense that it’s nothing like Undertale

If sulfuric acid was a video game