Honestly, it's a fine game. Especially compared to today's standards.

It's great if you like the Gachaloot loop. Has more substance than a mobile game, but in the end, it's just a fuckin' gacha game.

A good time wasting, task clearing game.

Excellent so far, exactly what I needed in the moment, can't wait for the final product.


Great multiplayer fun. Games are very quick which is a plus, but team games can suck a fart out of my ass.

Parts of it were really good. It's solid enough to warrant a playthrough, but the writing is clearly on the wall for this arc of the saga.

This game fucking sucks. You don't even play as Mister Chef.

Cute free to play game. Great with friends.

Easily my favorite Battle Royale game. Class/Spell system + two gun loadout + ability to breakdown weapons to build your more consistent loadout = SEX.

It's cute! Not insanely deep, but a fun take on spell slinging and good addition to the battle royale genre.

That shit was so god damn good! Why was Halo 4 and 5 not just done by this team? Great cast of characters, The Banished were excellent villains, and the game didn't overstay its welcome while improving on the first in major ways. It has a bit of a "Halo 2" ending, but that's not entirely a bad thing. Although, I think it may continue in DLC? But, if so, that's kind of bummer simply because it's just making the game more expensive.