Campaign was fantastic, full of great characters, story is very gritty and the gameplay - especially on Veteran - is very unforgiving, my favorite part of the campaign was the Eastern Front. Zombies is alright, a few good maps here and there, but very barebones compared to later titles. It also has mod support, which you can spend a good amount of time there trying out different maps and such.

Campaign was very good, except for a few characters that were kind of annoying, Multiplayer was a breath of fresh air, the guns and animations were revolutionary, if you make an FPS today, you have to live to MW 2019 standards in terms of animation. Spec Ops was very bad, shouldn't have been in the game to begin with.

Finished it 15 times, the story is great and the setting was phenomenal. Side modes are really fun and challenging, especially, NYM Hardcore.

I like how they managed to tie World at War and this game together by bringing back Reznov. Very nice touch, and makes sense since this game takes place 20 years after WW2. The story is fucking GOATED and the Zombies and Multiplayer were at it's PEAK here.

The sound design sucked in this game, colors look washed out, the story was fantastic, I like how we managed to see more of Makarov in this game and his epilogue. Spec Ops was VERY VERY fun, played it with a friend and had an absolute blast, didn't like how they locked some missions behind a DLC. Survival was OK it was something fresh for COD, and I could see how some people would enjoy it.

GOATED Campaign, GOATED Multiplayer, GOATED Zombies. Don't have to say anything more.

The story is really bad, none of the characters from the last game are in here. The zombies was good, but most good maps are DLC, I wasn't there when the multiplayer was at it's peak. It's full of hackers now. Very disappointing.

I'm enjoying my time with this one, Played some Extinction with my friend and it was very fun. Still finishing the story tho, I heard from a lot of people that the campaign in this one was really good. So, looking forward to it.

EDIT: Finished the game, I'm fixin' to go back and platinum it in the near future.

The story was great and the horror was something else. The PC port sucked ass tho.

Wasted 1500 hours of my life on this game and went through the worst mental abuse from my teammates.


Terrible, controls are dogshit, the camera is mess, movement is floaty. There is no block button or dodge button, the combo menu is missing - I had to look those up on my own - and the enemies were OP as hell.

Gameplay has the right amount of difficulty while still being enjoyable, the game is not that scary but it is horrifying with all these monsters. The story and Isaac as a character were top notch, sense of progression is also fantastic.

A significant overhaul of the first game in terms of gameplay, this game feels a lot smoother and looks better too! The environments are varied and very good looking and the game is more challenging this time around. The puzzles were also fun.

Great story, Great antagonists, fantastic character development. Massive open-world that is very fun to mess around in, Stealth is a plus and hunting is decent. A good intro to the series if you have never played a FC game before.

Classic survival horror game, while being a linear game, you are free to explore around the different levels before attending to the main story. The story was fantastic; one of the best, the plot twist, and the ending was so so satisfying I almost cried.