Very challenging survival horror game, the crafting and looting in this game is well done for what it is. The AI in this game is so damn good, it surprised me at times.

The best Uncharted game in the whole series, don't even @ me.

The best and smoothest shooting in any game I've ever played. Inspired by F.E.A.R you play as a supersoldier with some magical abilities; you have Focus - which is the Slo-Mo mode for more accurate shots - and, cloak, which is self-explanatory. Gameplay is super fast-paced, which I like. Story is incoherent, you just go from one level to the other shooting dudes without any explanation, there are no NPCS to talk to about the lore and the intel you pick up doesn't help either. The game for some reason is capped to your monitor's refresh rate which bothered me and kind of handicapped my performance. Played it on Extreme difficulty and had a blast.

Played through 85% of the game on PS5, will finish the rest on PC. I enjoyed my time there TBH, the combat of this game delivers a nice challenge while still being fun. Cutscenes are great and the characters you meet throughout the way are very interesting.

Played this game first on PS4 (the remastered version) and had a blast. Replayed it on PC and this time it was the remake version. God, the graphics look so stunning on the remake. The PC port of this game is garbage, honestly. Horrible performance, bugs all around, tons of crashes and the fucking shaders everytime there is an update, take HOURS to build. The game at times... stops mid-level to load the next section like I'm playing fucking HL1, fuck this POS port. Great game, terrible port.

This game definitely TONED DOWN the difficulty from the first, but, this is a Bioshock game, so you know the story is fire. And the ending, wow... Goddamn that ending.

Played this with a friend, had a few laughs. This game is exactly like Dead Space 2 in terms of gameplay, the story sucked ass, honestly. And the DLC with that fucking horrible ending, jesus... What a terrible way to end a series like this. A lot of fans DID NOT like this game, and I don't blame em' people treat this entry in the series like it's dead.

This game is a very unique stealth game, it's top-down like Hotline Miami but the levels are way bigger and have more means of traversal, it also emphasizes stealth more. While loud is an option it is more of a punishment since everyone in the map knows where you are. The story is great, the dialogue is kind of nonsensical and plot twist was predictable. A sequel is coming for this game soon so I can't wait to try that.

Pretty fun Lovecraftian boomer shooter. The levels are well-designed, the bosses are challenging and the sense of progression is very satisfying. Weapon upgrades were nice and character abilities were fun to use, I played as the Priest in my first playthrough, hoping to go back and play the Journalist and also platinum the game while I'm at it.

This is literally more of Far Cry 3 but with a different setting, different villian (worst one in the series in my opinion) and different Main Character. The game tries to give you a choice sometimes in the game, by choosing who to side with in the game. You got Amita, the liberal who wants Kyrat to grow into a secular nation and abandon it's archaeic values. Then you got Sabal, the Conservative Kyrati who wants Ajay to maintain the values of his father. These 2 characters are the worst and most annoying characters in the game and they serve no purpose other than to test your moral compass as a human being, which makes no sense since you are just playing a game. I really liked how you can end the game by waiting in the beginning and not do anything. Pretty cool, attention to detail.

This game does not respect the player... This game's definition of a challenge is to throw as many mini-bosses at you at a time and see how you do, and they are the same fucking bosses each time, there is no variety in that regard. Might go back to it, to just finish it. But I am NOT platinuming this one anytime soon...

This was fairly easy for a boomer shooter, except for some of the bosses. The story was incomprehensible but that is mainly due to me being a layman + no one cares about the story in these games, you're here to shoot things. The weapons were pretty fun to use and the game provides a nice amount of content. Overall, I spent 18 hours Achievement hunting + finishing the story and the DLC. You could easily get more out of it if you plan to truly 100% every level.

This was a very surprising game, coming from the same people who made Rambo: The Video Game; Remember that one? it's that one really bad rail shooter with QTE cutscenes. Well, they made another licensed game, this time from Terminator, and this one is... surprisingly good. The gameplay loop is really fun, the sense of progression is really satisfying and the characters and story tie it all nicely. This game's dialogue is somewhat uninspired and cheesy at times, but, it does matter what dialogue options you choose for the ending you get. The animations are really bad, but it's obvious they didn't have access to motion capture studios, so they did all the cutscenes by hand, which takes longer, but is overall cheaper. Hoping to come back and play the DLC and the Infiltrator mode for this game and platinum it.

Best story, best setting, the second best antagonist in the series. I loved cults in media, this combined with the beautiful setting of the American Frontier makes this my favorite game in the series. The DLCs were absolute dogwater tho.

This one takes place after the 5th game in the series, the RPG mechanics of this game left a bad taste in my mouth. The fact that you had to level up to beat higher tier enemies in the game, was just a plain stupid idea to begin with and made the game instantly less fun and less challenging; this is basically the game telling you to go on a boring, monotonus grind to be able to have fun and fight some of the harder enemies, it was just plainly dumb. The safehouse or the Hub area in this game was nice, and I liked how you can upgrade it and go on expeditions to gain more materials for crafting and upgrading stuff. The antagonists were just bad, they were basically these 2 annoying ass, ratchet ass black bitches. THAT'S IT, what a great fucking idea for a pair of antagonists, I enjoyed blowing them up tho. Joseph makes a return in this game, his character development was really nice to see and very interesting and it was a nice send off for him in this game.