11 Reviews liked by CHOVI



This is less of a review and more just personal accountability. I've struggled with my weight for years and only dabbled in VR fitness apps here and there - but I'm gonna be using FitXR to try and finally shed this weight and feel good about myself.

Any words of encouragement would be welcome :)



No, Sifu, I don't think I will be replaying the last two levels in the hope of getting to the third boss at an age younger than 52.
What's interesting to me here is that I don't really feel like choosing to go back and do it better, yet I don't think this would be as bad if the game was arcade-style and if you run out of lives you simply Have To Start Over. This would also be an opportunity to get rid of the skill tree, which no action game should ever have (let me get good at using the full moveset!! I don't want to wait until the end of the game to get cool additional tools!!).

I really think Sloclap should focus on getting the fundamentals right on their next game and leave aside the interesting concepts that draw away from their exceptional action game feel.

It's the sims. You make characters, and control them. Make them fall in love, get married, eventually divorced, they get a juice problem and then they drown in the pool, because you closed it in with walls. All in a days work. Recommended.

me a few days ago: haha i will install a load of funny mods and see what chaos happens :)

me now: i will protect my wife ryo and daughter giulia with my fucking life and be the best husband and father i can

edit: this game has given me a fucking existential crisis

edit 2: playing too much sims may have fucking killed my pc lmao

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

I'm not quite sure why this game has a fully voiced and mocapped campaign awkwardly stuffed into a overwatch ripoff, but the world itself is very interesting (if a little ridiculous) and the game comes to life during it's many boss battles.

Played this one time. Got a Chicken Dinner with 23 kills. Felt that adrenaline rush since I played so well and got so many kills AND a chicken dinner. That lasted like 3 minutes because I immediately learned your first game is against bots only. Felt so embarrassed I never launched the app again.

someone at remedy thought that the scariest thing in the world was having inanimate objects of various shapes and sizes thrown at you and yknow what more power to 'em

This feels more like an ancient asian torture method than an actual video game



If Garry can't come home then nobody's going home