Remember when Nintendo perfectly demonstrated the asymmetric multiplayer potential of the Wii U with a free launch game and then did nothing with that?

At least it came with a Wii remote?

Really liked the story and the art direction, it's a shame that it is held back at times by frustrating level design and controls.

A lot was made of how little content was in this game at launch (and rightfully so), but in the end I think this game captured the look and feel of Star Wars better than any other so far. It was my go to when I just wanted to "play Star Wars."

Genuinely one of the worst things I have ever played.

At times decent, and at times extremely frustrating due to the poor layout of the levels or obtuse puzzle direction. Owlchemy Labs' weakest VR title.

Mechanics and minutiae as a playground.


This was a nice way to spend 20 minutes on a flight.

One of the best video game adaptations of the look and feel of a movie franchise maybe ever?


Doesn't do anything particularly groundbreaking gameplay, design, or story wise, but the art design and the way GRIS uses its color palette is breathtaking enough to make it worth your short time with it.

I try not to judge a mystery on whether I figure it out before the big reveal, but in this case the reveal was so obvious that I was certain there had to be another twist coming that would make it interesting. Several hours of gameplay later... nope.