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Fun for its time in the sun, but has definitely aged in comparison to its followup. Mr. Incredible boosts the score by a point though.

I remember being weirdly hyped for this when it was fully announced and it felt rewarding to get a licensed game with some level of care and passion put into it. The gameplay is solid, the lineup of cars makes the inner 7-year-old in me froth at the mouth, and the amount of customization in there makes my head spin. However, loot boxes, not great online and heavy reliance on DLC is pretty much what killed long-term interest. And now that the sequel is out and is pretty much agreed to be the superior game, there really isn't a need to return to this one.

This is a fantastic first-person shooter that I'm really sad that I missed the hype train for. Not that it wasn't hard to, it was unfortunately sandwiched between two big releases from their biggest competitors and even after I was obsessed with Overwatch in the late 2010s. Coming in now, I see the light and have been Titanfall 2 pilled to the point where I give a hard stare at Apex Legends for delaying Titanfall 3 from existing. Perhaps one day, we just got Grand Theft Auto 6 announced, there's still hope. But you're looking for thoughts on gameplay. I think the gameplay is nothing short of excellent. The movement feels amazing, the gunplay is finely tuned, and there's still an active playerbase and it's not infested with malware (cough cough Call of Duty). I got to experience both the multiplayer and the campaign and both were excellent. In terms of the campaign, thanks for making me invested in a robot and punishing me for doing so. In terms of the multiplayer, thanks for queuing me with people who have played since release and punishing me for doing so. Overall a great game that I think is pretty damn peak despite my lower hour count.

What can I say about this gem that hasn't been said before? I came back to it a few years after I first beat it, and I can say with full confidence that it still holds up amazingly well. The visuals being a love letter to the 1930s rubberhose style and going all the way shows the passion and determination of the developers to commit to their vision with no compromises. The gameplay is nail-biting and tense, but fair enough to want to keep going (which makes all the better when you finally conquer the level that's been beating you down for the last two hours). The score is fantastic and I eat it up because I love ragtime, swing and jazz. All-in-all a complete package with a cherry on top.

It started well, but wow the third world blows. The third world creates an absolutely absurd difficulty spike where the levels are difficult and excruciatingly tedious. The ending was very weak and not worth any of the frustration I had. I will not be playing this again, and hopefully the other entries in this series are better because this was a poor first impression.

I loved the 3DS game, and with the new additions like makeup and H O R S E, it made an already fun experience even better. Biased as hell for Mii games though please bring back Tomodachi Life please


It's UNO except you need an extra shitty launcher and you can have bullshit rules and funny Rayman cards. It's alright I guess.

This game oozes with creativity and charm. I love how absolutely new everything feels with the migration from the previous New Super Mario Bros. series artstyle that people got tired of with 2 and U. I also had some co-op experience and I thought that was still great and it got my nostalgia tingling from playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii with my brother growing up. I can't say much other than it was a pleasant experience.

The memes. Great hack and slash, great characters, great boss fights. There's a reason this game came back into the spotlight.

A great expansion on the sequel that I think makes it better in most every way. Unfortunate to lose Donkey Kong, but Dixie feels great to play with her hover ability. There's more bonus games and other content to make the world feel alive. I love Swanky's game show specifically because it rewards you for paying attention to the world around you. And of course, Bramble Blast and its peers were as ethereal as everyone says they are. Solid 10/10 experience.

An absolute achievement of a mod that is an absolute banger, glad I experienced Smash 64 this way.

Ended up grinding the game until I saw all the customers and ended my run with most of the achievements. This game on its own is a great time waster, but probably should not be binged as it slowly became tedious for me. Definitely wanted to go out of my way to support the devs that got me through middle and high school.

A fantastic collection of campaigns where each character feels excellent to play, as well as seeing different angles on the same story. The gameplay is fun, the sprites look fantastic, this is what made indie games big in the modern day. Anyways, campaigns from least good to most is Plague, Shovel, Specter, King.

I guess it's neat that the skins are all unlocked for local, but no one plays online. Came a bit late to the Switch, this probably would have done better around launch.

It's revered for a reason. A fun puzzle game that can be a real brain teaser. GLaDOS is a fun villain to hear the banter from. It feels somewhat inferior to the sequel but that's not really its own fault. I definitely think it's worth checking out to see what the stepping stones were because it holds up on its own.