Saw 150cc unlock, said fuck that.

One of the greatest 2D Mario games ever made. The controls are smooth, the graphics are great, and the gameplay is fine tuned to perfection. Each level feels fine tuned and crafted with love, many with gimmicks that appear once and aren't reused. Cape can easily cheese through the game (which I admittedly did) but it was still a fun ride throughout. There's a reason this is considered a pillar of the Mario franchise.

First time playing a Tekken, did not disappoint. I mainly played through the story mode but I've got a little bit of local matches under my belt as well. The combat is so fun and satisfying (like look at those hit VFX and SFX, those are crunchy as hell), the character roster is fun and varied, insane lore, crazy amounts of customization that actively impress me with how creative people get, and there's a lot of fun modes to try out besides the main gameplay loop. Definitely a good first impression.

The one where Postal Dude tells Morgan Freeman's portrayal of God that his son smells of elderberries.

A really solid follow-up to the original. I'm only going off of the campaign in terms of rating because that's where my interests are. I've heard really good things about Special Ops and the multiplayer, but I wasn't interested in the former and the latter has been glitched and infested with malware. I think the story really ramps up the tension and weight of the fights at hand. While the first game had those elements, this game knocks it out of the park. The characters are fun to follow (mainly for Task Force 141) but the environments really convey the storytelling, especially the fights around Washington D.C., those visuals especially stick out to my mind. I unfortunately was spoiled on the ending but it still left an impact, as it shows the twisted ideals of painting yourself the hero in any war. All-in-all a really great follow-up that expands on the first one.

This is a nice and cozy collection of games that keep you enthralled simply thanks to their charm. Top pick definitely goes to Milky Way Wishes, but The Great Cave Offensive was a solid outing too.

This is a game that I hold near and dear to my heart. I got it when I was around 10 or 11 for Christmas morning, and I played...most of it. I never actually beat the game until high school, and never completed it until now. This game reminds me the most of what I love about video games: gameplay that feels like a dream to master and control, a setting that you can get lost in, a score that immerses you into the world and sways your emotion, and an escape from a trying world that does its best to hammer us down. This game is my favorite of all time because it's a piece of media that has influenced me in my childhood and in my currently blossoming adulthood. I won't lie and say tears were shed when I beat the game not only because it holds such heavy nostalgia, but it also is a complete vision and package that everyone and I mean EVERYONE should play at least once in their lifetime. What else can I say? It's fantastic. Give it a shot when you get the chance.

An intriguing puzzle game that holds a profound message. I knew going in that it radiated Stanley Parable energy (which I love), but I wasn't expecting the gameplay to be deeper than Stanley Parable's walking around. I would argue that the writing alone causes Stanley Parable to be excellent, but Superliminal takes it a step further by adding deeper gameplay to the mix. The story is a bit more in the background but it's still ties the concept together excellently. I love the idea of messing around with perspective from a mechanical standpoint and how it plays into the real themes of understanding other perspectives in your own life. Excellent game that hit me with the feels at the end.

A great expansion on the sequel that I think makes it better in most every way. Unfortunate to lose Donkey Kong, but Dixie feels great to play with her hover ability. There's more bonus games and other content to make the world feel alive. I love Swanky's game show specifically because it rewards you for paying attention to the world around you. And of course, Bramble Blast and its peers were as ethereal as everyone says they are. Solid 10/10 experience.

This game oozes with creativity and charm. I love how absolutely new everything feels with the migration from the previous New Super Mario Bros. series artstyle that people got tired of with 2 and U. I also had some co-op experience and I thought that was still great and it got my nostalgia tingling from playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii with my brother growing up. I can't say much other than it was a pleasant experience.

It's not the one with Postal Dude but Deadpool is an okay substitute.

A solid 2D platformer that does have its quirks due to its age, but nevertheless a great time. I think the element that stood out to me the most was the music. That soundtrack contains some of the most revered and beloved video game music in history.

I remember being weirdly hyped for this when it was fully announced and it felt rewarding to get a licensed game with some level of care and passion put into it. The gameplay is solid, the lineup of cars makes the inner 7-year-old in me froth at the mouth, and the amount of customization in there makes my head spin. However, loot boxes, not great online and heavy reliance on DLC is pretty much what killed long-term interest. And now that the sequel is out and is pretty much agreed to be the superior game, there really isn't a need to return to this one.

Ended up grinding the game until I saw all the customers and ended my run with most of the achievements. This game on its own is a great time waster, but probably should not be binged as it slowly became tedious for me. Definitely wanted to go out of my way to support the devs that got me through middle and high school.

It started well, but wow the third world blows. The third world creates an absolutely absurd difficulty spike where the levels are difficult and excruciatingly tedious. The ending was very weak and not worth any of the frustration I had. I will not be playing this again, and hopefully the other entries in this series are better because this was a poor first impression.