the perfect marble game

it simply cannot be beat it's perfection embodied

gunshot noises

having to play through it at least ten times is awful game design WHY

this was what got me into the shooter genre

it took me like eight years to finish this game

also i'm not a furry

wonderful, better than mama

this is the embodiment of my fun as a child

once i beat pantheon 5 silksong will come out

yeah same as the first one, it's more trine iirc


the world needs more three player games tbh

fun interesting platformer but the rogue is like, crazy op lol

your pet has fled

i was humbled by the end of act 2

you can't vamp an ohko

why is the og music paid dlc

i'm not going to be a stickler about the monkey target physics but it's weird that it's so different lol, rip

imagine taking (possibly) the worst monkey ball game and making it both easier and worse (multiplayer-wise, at least)

the music still bangs and slap-OH WAIT THEY CHANGED IT

it's wild how much fun this game is, actually

the story is complete nonsense though, and the combat leaves quite a bit to be desired