the legendary campaign co-op was fun, but I cannot will myself to continue the campaign nor can I justify playing the multiplayer. This game, to me, serves as a testament to the state of modern gaming, and stands as my second least-favorite halo game. The Master Chief Collection exists, and I think that my time is better spent playing that if I truly need the halo itch scratched. Open world is not always a good thing, and this game solidified that for me.

The hardest part about this game was dealing with the wonky camera angles and falling asleep during the long walking sections. In all seriousness though, this game had some stellar moments and the world, characters and storyline were all very interesting and dark. This game definitely toyed with some wild ideas and to decent effect. Not a fan of that ending though šŸ˜­ I do recommend it if youā€™ve got a spare 8 hours

The best-worst PokĆ©mon game. My 2nd favorite battle system in the franchise, a decent number of PokĆ©mon to collect and really fun characters. My biggest complaint is that a lot of the towns feel samey and I could not name one standout location other than ā€œsnowy mountainā€ or ā€œdesertā€ or ā€œbig lakeā€. The ending was sick and Iā€™m looking forward to more updates, events, dlc, etc. donā€™t let the scary talk of bugs/glitches out you off from playing this game itā€™s actually really goodā€¦

brutally beautiful action RPG with insanely difficult and at times incredibly frustrating difficulty spikes. Lots of enemy variety and fulfilling boss fights, but the deeper mechanics came off as overly convoluted and unnecessary for the most part.

Peak fantasy fiction. The best MMO and one of the best games I have ever played. This deserves every bit of praise it has received, from it's excellent world building and storytelling to it's amazing soundtrack and fast paced combat (at least in the endgame, ARR was and still is a slog through muddy waters).

The ONLY bad thing I have to say about this game is that getting all the endings was a bit of a grind. Compared to the grind I've dealt with in other games though, this was nothing.

This is my favorite video game of all time.

This game only serves as a foundation for what's to come, but it's a very solid start and charming in its own ways. For what it's worth, this bizarre concept actually managed to captivate the world, and though it might not be for anybody, this game is special and deserves some recognition. Too bad the sequel would remain the series' high point to this very day...


Some of the tightest and most responsive top-down action combat I have experienced to date. It's short but has incredible presentation. What's on display here is some of the coolest stuff I've seen in an indie game. It's colorful and energetic, and really knows how to make you feel badass for surviving some of these boss encounters. I would love to see more work from this team or maybe a sequel/spiritual successor to this at some point.

The characters and atmosphere were interesting enough to hook me in, but the game felt so terrible to play and ran like shit. I couldn't bring myself to continue but maybe some day if curiosity wills it

Literally only bought this for zombies and mp, both of which are phenomenal and ALMOST peak Call of Duty. Black Ops 2 will always be reigning champion for me. Servers on PC are completely dead but if you can get friends to play zombies with it's a damn good time.