I love it, and I feel like it's made me appreciate the original even more if anything

Single-handedly justified the Wii U gamepad

Played a little over half of the 100 (why?) levels. I don't think the fire that moves across the screen is a particularly good gameplay element. I couldn't figure out what if anything triggered that to happen, but being close to the end of a level and knocking down that last few walls only for a flame to trap you between it and an approaching enemy is needlessly frustrating. Same with the other dude knocking down a ladder last second.

It’s funny that the bosses are easier than most of the stages. I think the upgrade system is pretty neat too

Dreadful. I became the champion and there's no way I'm going to keep playing to beat the other guy. Even looking at the controls online, I swear I don't understand when the grapple commands work and when they don't

Most of the time it's easier to let yourself get thrown out and then land a couple hits on the AI out of the ring so they ring out. You can hit the AI right as they get up and just leave them down there last second. Just very dumb

Having some issues with my PSP, so I guess I'm just moving onto Freedom Unite on Vita. A little disappointed because I was trying to get into it, but honestly the game is just not the best. The controls are super clunky and some of the mission design up to where I played was questionable

I'm glad I got to see some of the series' origins, but I'm not too heartbroken I can't play more

This game has a very weird vibe. Like, I'd be afraid to play it in an arcade

Pretty decent for a pre-NBA Jam basketball game. Moving around the court to shoot feels pretty good, but defense is pretty rough and the cutscenes are just annoying

The one coach also looks like Tom Thibodeau


I love exploring the main city hubs, the music is great, and the visual design is mostly very solid

Unfortunately I think the game stretches itself too thin and adds on chase and stealth sections that feel more like filler than anything fun. The game's writing is also pretty unremarkable.

There's a lot to like, but with the greater emphasis on stealth in the back half and there being more dialogue in the second half, I found myself liking the game less as it went on. I think its worth playing still, but I think focusing more on exploration and writing would have been good for this one

It’s fun playing through on an arcade collection where you can just keep continuing, but this thing would have been obnoxious to pump quarters in because of how fast you can die on some sections

I appreciate it for how much is on screen and there is fun in the chaos, but I do think the difficulty is a bit much

This review contains spoilers

I really don't understand the praise of this game's writing. The performances I think are mostly fine, but the actual plot is all over the place. Character decision-making is often laughably bad, some character arcs are unfulfilling, and the game reaches its climax halfway through the game, and then kind of sputters out before having a decent conclusion. Only to then turn around and add a literal cliffhanger to the end to slap you in the face. It feels like they had bold ideas for this huge connected narrative with these multi-faceted characters but most of them just end up being under-used, boring, or so unbelievably over-the-top bad decision makers that it just feels sloppy. Stuff like the Ash chapter that has the potential to add basically zero to the story or the fact that the older Holt brother will chase his own brother up a tree instead of shooting him to keep him quiet about an escape plan when he's been mourning his other brother nonstop for hours is just ridiculous.

I've never understood the praise for Quantic Dreams games, and there were moments where the writing felt VERY in line with the kind of nonsense, poorly-paced stuff you'd see in one of those.

Genuinely funny, great art direction, combat that forces you to be engaged just enough to not spam A, good location diversity, a unique cast, great music, fun secrets

It really has just about all you could ask for out of a SNES RPG. It’s such a unique collaboration that really shows so much love for the source material, but so many great aspects hold up on their own.

Honestly I think aside from some isometric jank, this has aged very well and it’s a shame it’s not on the Switch yet. And as someone who was not alive at the time of this game’s release, I can’t explain how impressed I was that this game released before Mario 64

The single-player is a bit of a step-down as a whole, but the level design is still excellent and this is a great multiplayer game with some Nintendo online funk