I can only describe this as the good kind of bad

I love Yoshi and even that couldn't get me to care about this one. Just really, really boring levels

I don't think the narrative was particularly compelling, and vibe-wise I think I prefer other entries in the series, but the exploration is very fun, the UI is extremely streamlined in a good way, and I liked the challenge this game brought

Feels so much better to play than the rest of the series. I do wish some of the enemy designs were more interesting, but the feel of the game makes up for that.

Honestly just much better than I expected.

This will be excellent down the line, but the playlists suck and the menus are buggy af

The bosses kinda suck as a whole, but there's a lot of good stuff here in spite of the game often feeling a bit same-y by trying to fit a typical open world format

Still, there is something magical about how open it feels

Catching pokemon is really fun, but the open world is really bland and boring. This had some of the most fun moments I've seen in a Pokemon game in a while, but honestly I feel like this game's structure could be improved

This is pretty mid. By far the most bored I've been in a Kirby game

Kinda fun once you get used to the graphics, but it's also pretty damn easy

You can kind of just rush shooting DK at the start and make it pretty far

Not bad by any means. I’m just confused by this game’s existence. It’s a bit more generic than the other 2 that came before it, but I also think this one is more fun. Just a hard game to evaluate

Technically impressive for it’s time probably and I like the game’s upgrade system, but it’s also pretty BS

There’s just way too many enemies that spawn unexpectedly in later stages, and just in general the difficulty is just a bit to high to really be enjoyable

I was surprised by how much I liked this actually. Having one save point at the center of the map and basically forcing you to go explore to find various items needed to get to the end point which can be seen from the starting castle is honestly a very good setup especially for 1986. The music is all fun and charming. I love the monster designs, and really the only knock is that it is a bit too grindy, but really it was nice to have a game this open from this era that is also pretty playable without any guide.

Kinda disappointing how few levels there are. I mean, they’re fine, but I’m not really sure if I like this more than the original. I think it’s technically better obviously. There are more unique obstacles here, but I’m not really wowed by it (Not that I was by the original either)

An impressive game for it's time, but it's pretty miserable to play without a guide. The menus are very slow. Chests needing a spell to disarm half the time gets pretty obnoxious with the lower MP amounts you have in this one.

I think it's impressive graphically for 1987 and I like being able to search and get nice views of the areas at any moment. Some of the music is pretty nice.

I just wish it came together a bit better, but I just don't think this has aged well.

Solid. I thought a little too much was going on in the final level, which makes it a little less fun than the rest of the game, but the soundtrack is solid and powering your ship up is really satisfying