You people are so dull if you think this sucks, I will NOT take any criticism about this. This game is so much fun.

It's really primitive, which isn't bad in itself. It just isn't fun. But it's the first ever Halloween game, so I guess it's interesting.

When I finish you. WHEN I FINISH YOU!!!


I have no idea how to play Clue in its original iteration, but the SNES version is so fun to me.

The low-rent Street Fighter 2. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! I like it. Fuck off <3

The jank is such a detriment so I can't rate it higher cause I couldn't finish it. BUT THIS STORY?? THIS ATMOSPHERE? SHE SLAYED AND YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND.

A slow start but it definitely becomes interesting as it goes on.

She's not the best of Tomb Raiders but the variety of stages kept me so entertained. I loved this format a lot.

I wanted to have that weird chain on his arm SO BAD. Anyways, I quite enjoyed this one a lot more than the previous one because this one felt less 2000s if that makes sense.

The absolute change of tone and aesthetic of Prince of Persia in this one threw me for a loop. In general, not my favorite PoP.

The experience of this Prince of Persia is one that I will unfortunately have tainted with a bad memory, but one that I will forever recommend to those who enjoy a great story and a gorgeous atmosphere.

I've faced challenges, but this one has been, by far, the most INSANE. A game that separates the losers from the PSYCHOPATHS.

Whoever designed Shion's and Magaki's attacks when I get you, WHEN I GET YOU.

To me, you will always be FAMOUS.