(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

This gets 5 in a row. And also you can quack at people, and there's no levels. And also there's two player. The funniest thing was quack and steal things from people and put them in my BANK which is in my home, which is a big grassy hole. And also I love a glass of milk after I have cookies or like HEY NOT THAT PART, DADDY DON'T DON'T WRIIITEEE

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's a very calming game, and you get to play as a little bird which is my faaaaavorite part. I like doing races! With a bird that's a owl and I don't even know his name!


(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's where you can play as a little kitty and you can MEOW MEOW MEOW and it's an exploring kitty game! And also you can pick up buckets which is very cute.

Ooohhhhhh No daddy, it's "awwwwww." That's it.

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You can hit little Astros to make a ARMYYYY and there's a upstairs and a downstairs, and the downstairs has more little Astros, and also you cannot bring your little Astro armies into levels. I think that's BAD because you have to restart making your Astro army.

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to throw pigs into the water and also you can swim while holding pigs! And also you can run away from the island! But also you have a timer when you're gonna drown. You can only run away from the island when you're SWIMMING. Hee-hee!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to race, race, race. My favorite part is picking characters, changing the kart, the wheels, and the... flying thing? And I love it when I race until I win. And ALSO when I get in first place! I don't like when I get in last place, but I don't get ANGRY!! GRRRRRRR

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

Catching the Bigsnax! Because I can feed them to people, and I really want them to get humongous. If you feed the same kind of bug the same kind of Bigsnax... I like Triffany. Triffany! All the Triffanys in the world!!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

My favorite level is the Christmas one and my favorite thing about doing that is flying up to the mooooonnnn!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to build- You get to make- Hmm. You get to build blocks. And you can play with them! I drew lots and lots and lots and lots of stuff but I can't remember them. But I know I did it!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

3 because you just get to run around and then there's the Peter one. And there's only a Peter Pan one. It only has four levels, but that's the only level that's there! And that's why I did 3 stars because it's not that good. DONE.

[Dad's note: She only played the demo.]

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It is a fighting turtles game. I played Donatello. Mostly. Which is the purple headband, and I meant eyebanded. It's got holes and they put it over their eyes. It has holes for- so they can see... through. I liked the pig boss because he's so CHUBBY. He wasn't cute!! HE'S THE UGLIEST PIG I'VE EVER SEEEEENNNNN

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

There's new Pokemon and you get to ride Miraidon. When I was defeating Klawf the big giant titan, like, when my dad had the same cutscene when the Klawf broke into a giant wall and made some rocks pile down, and also it kind of like killed our guy? That was funny. My favorite part is ZOOMING on Miraidon! Done.

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

Hmm. In my game, it was like, there was some cities and towns. I named my cities Kittyland, Kitty Village, and Kitty London. My most favorite thing that's kitties was the lions and bears, and they just left! I have no idea why they left. Meow.

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

In Little Gator Game you get to fight cardboard monsters and you get a junk and also you get bracelets, and junk is money. The crocodile and big sister are my favorites. (Daddy you typed "bigt" and it was funny) The guy gave me a bracelet and he disappeared without no reason and it was so weird.

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You're a cute little robot! You got to pick up your plug and plug IN. And it's so cute and adorable nyeh nyeh nyeh nyehhhhhh. And a cute girl who dresses like a frog and she just says "ribbit" like how I like to be a CAT, and I just say "meow meow meow meow". That's all.