Warten of Peakpeak just keeps getting better

Banbanners, how do we keep winning

Still, after 2 years, my absolute favorite FNF related thing.

Just a nice, short mod with incredibly fun charting and genuinely great songs.

Utterly impeccable vibes

Incredibly difficult yet insanely fun danmaku, even on the easiest difficulty, and, of course, an unfathomably bangin soundtrack

The pointdevice mode is a really nice inclusion, too. Allowed me to finish the game in 1 try without it feeling like cheating

My first attempt ever, and it's already one of my favs in the series, ZUN simply doesn't miss.

What is there to say?

CrossCode is an absolute masterclass of game design, and in just ~10 hours, its dlc manages to build upon so many aspects of the base game that I won't hold back in saying it may even surpass it. If you liked CrossCode, there is no possible argument I could conjure up that would make me confident in saying you won't like A New Home.

As I was fighting a certain incredibly difficult end-game boss, getting further and further each attempt, I found myself thinking but one thing:

"God I fucking love video games"

dear god this is awful

I guess the fact they somewhat incorporate fan-created content is pretty cool?

first time i opened it I was bombarded with so many popups it genuinely took me a minute to get through them all

I'll always feel a bit sad when a game with potential is just absolutely ruined with bad design decisions.

The art is phenomenal, the soundtrack is damn good, and the characters are well-written and just plain fun, but WOW does everything else in this game just suck :c

funny little video game cat does irreparable emotional damage to my psyche

A hotdog grabbed me, losing me my winstreak of 4 and thereby my chances at getting the final achievement

fuck you I'm counting this as a 100%

Stained, brutal calamity my beloved

I don't think my wallet likes me

This game is hot garbage but you gotta admit the wither storm was a sorta cool idea executed surprisingly well.

i like omori. and i love guns.
i love this game :O
cant wait for the sequel