to whoever first posted the sus meme i hope you burn in hell for all eternity

this is the rawest game ever made. i listen to real emotion every day all day, i keep 1000 words blasting from the biggest speakers in the world despite the neighbors attempting to murder me for it. i spend 40 billion hours a week assassinating anyone who dislikes it. fuck you if you dont like this game.

KILLER battle system but everything else is whatever

this is the greatest battle system in the entire series i cannot even put into words how good it is. i hope whoever designed it feels nothing but joy for the rest of their life

square i am BEGGING you to make a working pc port

just play botw for the love of god

final fantasy 12 if it was good

i genuainly cannot believe how fucking annoying 87 ninja turtles stans are. great game though

my fave part was when he said "its bouncing time!" and bounced all over those guys

They xeno on my blade till I chronicle on her 2