8 Reviews liked by ChadNick

My favorite game of all time. The gameplay is somethin' else, the setting grips me like nothing else, and the music is so, so beautiful. I was originally going to just gush about this game but I'll keep it to the point: PLAY THIS GAME! I believe this to be not only the best thing to come out of From Software, but also the best thing to come out of gaming as a whole. Bloodborne succeeds as a game and a work of art with flying colors.

Bloodborne is a 10/10, but not just a regular old 10/10. It is a big, fat, bold printed, golden, shining 10/10. A 10/10 so big it puts Olympus Mons to shame.

So yeah, good game I guess.

EDIT: Not my favorite game ever, but an amazingly close second.

EDIT 2: Not even that close of a second, I lied. Sorry.

My buddy Nick got jumpscared so bad that he grabbed his real life firearm and almost blasted his goddamn PC to smithereens. So good game.

Touhou if Zun locked the fuck in

I'm not gonna hold you, the art style in this game is fucking immaculate and is the main reason you should play this game. Not to say the gameplay or story isn't good, but dude... the art is so gorgeous and the FOOD BRO OH MY GODDDDDD THE FOOD IN THIS GAME! I know it's a meme like "oh anime food looks so good" but UGHHHHHHH THE FOOD IN THIS GAME IS UNREAL LIKE FUCK THE SPIRIT I GET FROM EATING I JUST WANNA SEE THE DAMN MEAL!

One thing I fucking despise though is how unique games like this are stuck to consoles that are no longer supported because everything has to be an instant money maker. Current video game preservation is a complete and utter fucking joke.

Perfect game. Replayed it after so many years and it's even better than the first time.

If you didn't cry at the last cutscene, you have no fucking soul.

"Hasn't aged the best" nigga you haven't aged the best

Yo this game sucks. Anyways, my balls itch, I'm scratchin' my nuts rn lmfao