WOW what a great challenge

This game has been on my mind constantly since I found out about it late last year and wanted to try it out for the longest time (shout outs to the developer of Peeb's Adventure for retweeting the original tweet i saw). I thought I would play it for a bit and admire the 64 bit graphics and move on, after 30 hours played and still wanting to play more and refine my skills that was NOT the case.

This game is the most fun ive had with an indie game for a long ass time, and is defiantly my fave rage/faudian game that ive played (other examples are Getting Over It, Jump King, Pogostuck). The graphics are on point, the jumping feels great, every gimmick added just adds to the chaotic fun. I also always had a sense of being able to do better / a drive to get better at the game. HELL im still playing this game but only beat the main mode, gonna try to beat the harder difficulty now. Visually and audio wise this game captures that N64/PS1 feeling TOO DAMN WELL, so well that they actually thought I was playing an obscure ass N64 game. Also shoutout to the dev for adding Clair De Lune and Gymnopedie No. 1, my two favorite piano compositions.

Im also dedicating a paragraph to the BUILT IN MIDI PLAYER, WHICH IS SUCH A COOL FEATURE!!! Honestly one of my favorite parts of my whole time with this game was going through the old websites that I used to troll for midis all the time and coming back to do the same thing once more. The Midi player itself is also really good, loved the instruments they went with. One thing that I hope indie devs who make N64/PS1 inspired games continue to add this feature to more of their games!!

This game gets a perfect score for me, because it was a perfect storm of what I wanted from this game and more. I'm really happy with how this game came out and I cant wait to see what the dev has next :) Please give this game a chance, its on Steam and

after 8 years of trying and trying and trying. I've finally FULLY beaten this game (golden freddy challenge can suck me left nut). Because of all of this time spent, I can easily say this is just straight up the FNAF game when it comes to gameplay loop. Enough RNG throughout the first 6 Nights to keep you on your toes, then theres Night 7 where you just have these amazing challenges to really test your game knowledge. Then finally, the BIG KAHUNA of RNG Hell, Golden Freddy mode. Without a guide youll be stuck here for HOURS, but with some guidance you can do it, because my dumb ass did it LOL. Not to mention the lore dropped throughout the game, and some of the sickest designs ive seen throughout this franchise. Love this game to death and will prob revisit and play it all over again sometime next year, but until then im happily satisfied

The game's creator, Scott Cawthon, will forever be known as the FNAF guy. And thats for a good reason, the FNAF games were fine tuned horror games that shook up the genre (for good or worse). But even though I am a big fan of that series, there is no denying that The Desolate Hope is most likely Scotts best work artistically if you were to ask me.

I swear Scott was destined to make robots because the designs in this game are LEGENDARY, from the main cast to the viruses you fight every character is recognizable and has an interesting look to them. I love the worlds as well, they all have a great sense of atmosphere on how each deralict decided to go with their mission.

Their are plenty of things to do in the actual gameplay, during the day you are doing these little platforming sessions upgrading little coffee and his squad, then you are going out and engaging with what is possibly one of my favorite RPGs ive ever played. Then at night you have the weirdest level up system ive seen. This gameplay loop keept me interested and engaged the whole way through.

The Story itself is short and sweet with interesting twists and turns. Not something where its trying to shove story into every nook and cranny, its there for those interested but you can gloss over it. This world is filled with funny yet sad robots that you grow closer and closer as you try to stop the virus takeover.

Now the meat and potatoes, that fucking combat. GOOD LORD their is so much going on which at first seems really convoluted, but if you tinker around with the practice mode and read what all the moves do, youll soon become cracked at it. I love this combat, it keeps your attention with each and every battle, and accompanied by the banging OST it just feels so good destroying those viruses!! Its just so video gamey, I wanted so much more!!! I hope some one replicates this style of combat or scott comes back to make another game like this cause this combat is goated.

Overall TDH is a wonderful charming weird as fuck JRPG that has one of the greatest combat systems ive ever played. It really is a shame that Scott omega focused on FNAF and didnt try making a third Desolate game. also THE GAME IS FREE, so there is no reason to hold back, just give it a go!!!!

EDIT: Thought about it for a bit but im bringing down the rating to 4 stars cause that ending really was kinda meh and I really wanted it to be something else. Still really love the game but ending soured what was truly a kino "junk food" video game

A really fun yet challenging experience. Even though I went with the easy Havel build I was still handed my ass every once and awhile. Artorias is easily the star boss of this game (and from what I've heard the entire franchise) so ZAMN they fucking knew what they were doing. Unfortunately Bed of Chaos and Gravelord Nito exist so this game can have flaws. Game defiantly falls off for me a little bit, after ornstein and smough. I still had mostly a fun time! Highly recommend getting through this game!

just replayed moon for the second time. after playing moon for the first time I fell in love with the game and every aspect of it. The story, characters, music, even to the little details that only I (someone who is obsessed with games of this nature) would find. 100% it the first time, collecting all the love and was really happy. But a year past and I with the new PC version coming out, I knew i had to replay it.

I was really scared though. "What if it was just a fluke? What if I just was so hyperfocused on liking it that I was blind to shit that I never noticd? What if it isnt fun on the second playthrough?" these were all thoughts that were flooding through my head as I was waiting for the Steam release of Moon. And when I got it again, it was love at first sight once again. Refell in love with the characters, music, themes, and yes even the little details. First time I playthrough the game I needed a little help from a Guide, and now 1 year later I barely used it.

The game still is not perfect, the fishing is a little annoying (coming from the dude who first tried the fishing tourney, so you KNOW its bad), and some of the missions / catches were just super lame. But when this game is good, its fucking on top of the world. Every part of this game comes together to make something truly magical.

When I first beat Moon for the first time, I proclaimed to all my friends that Moon was the greatest game i ever played. After playing it again around a year later, I can still make this claim. anyone and everyone should at least experience moon once.

This review contains spoilers

everything about this game is so good:
-the character designs are perfected here, my personal fave being Eyesaur
-Flumpty Night is just fucking perfect and just oozes creativity, i honest to god LOVE all the different flumptys. Electroswing song at the end was just the cherry on top of it all
- all the music in general is goated

all in all this is prob peak to come out of FNAF fan games and prob the overall goat

Played / beta tested this for WwwWario WAY back in the day, and have a lot to thank to him for letting me play these games early and shit

but holy hell the first game is REALLY FUCKING BAD

FNAW 3 is the peak of the series, just play that if you are looking for FNAF game Kino

they fucking revealed Doom Slayer (my most wanted) as a mii costume before they showed off Sora, another anime swordfighter with a down b counter

not to mention he plays like shit

back to the Nick All Star Brawl bottle

Mr Incredible was an incredibly based addition and McLeoding Games are a bunch of cowards for not bringing them back in Flash 2